
Annibale Riccò

Most Influential Person Across History

Italian astronomer

Annibale Riccò's Academic­ Rankings

Annibale Riccò
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physics Degrees
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  • Physics

Annibale Riccò's Degrees

Why Is Annibale Riccò Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Annibale Riccò was an Italian astronomer. Biography He was born in Milan, Italy. In 1868 he was awarded a bachelor's degree from the Università di Modena, then an engineering degree from the Politecnico di Milano. Between 1868 and 1877 he worked as an assistant at the Modena Observatory, teaching mathematics and physics at the Università di Modena. He taught at Naples and then Palermo, where he also worked at the observatory.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Annibale Riccò?

Annibale Riccò is affiliated with the following schools: