
Belu Zilber

Most Influential Person Across History

Romanian communist

Belu Zilber's Academic­ Rankings

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philosophy Degrees
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Why Is Belu Zilber Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Belu Zilber was a Romanian communist activist. Born into a Jewish family in Târgu Frumos, Iași County, he adhered to the Bolshevik movement while still an adolescent. Because he participated in the typographers' demonstration of December 13, 1918, he was expelled from every educational institution in his native country by the authorities of the Kingdom of Romania. He continued his high school education in Paris and began but did not complete studies at the polytechnic division of the University of Grenoble. He returned to Romania in 1922 and was hired as an expert at the War Ministry. He was recruited as a Soviet spy in Vienna in 1928; arrested in Romania in December 1930, he agreed to become an informant for the Siguranța secret police. At his trial for espionage on the Soviets' behalf, he was initially sentenced to five years at hard labor. After spending time at Doftana Prison and at labor camps in Caransebeș and Târgu Jiu , he was retried and acquitted in 1932.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Belu Zilber?

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