
Bobby Hillson

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London-based fashion illustrator, founder of the Central Saint Martins MA Fashion course

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According to Wikipedia, Bobby Hillson is a London-based fashion illustrator, former designer of children's clothing, and founder of the Saint Martin's School of Art MA Fashion course. Early life Hillson, who had studied at Saint Martin's School of Art, started out as an illustrator for publications such as Vogue UK, The Sunday Times, and The Observer in the early 1950s. In 1954 she attended Coco Chanel's relaunch show. She is particularly renowned for her 1960s illustration work. In 1969, she launched her childrenswear brand, and in 1972, a little girl's dress and pinafore was chosen as the Dress of the Year by Moira Keenan alongside a Biba outfit and a young boy's outfit by Burton. As of 2018, no other children's clothes have been selected as Dress of the Year.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Bobby Hillson?

Bobby Hillson is affiliated with the following schools: