
Branislav Nušić

Most Influential Person Across History

Serbian writer

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  • Literature

Why Is Branislav Nušić Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Branislav Nušić was a Serbian playwright, satirist, essayist, novelist and founder of modern rhetoric in Serbia. He also worked as a journalist and a civil servant. Life Branislav Nušić was born Alkibijad Nuša in Belgrade on . His father, George Nousias , was a Serbianized Aromanian merchant with family roots in the village of Magarevo in the Ottoman Macedonia, while his mother, Ljubica , was a Serb homemaker from Brčko, Bosnia, then under Austro-Hungarian rule.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Branislav Nušić?

Branislav Nušić is affiliated with the following schools: