
Carlo Dalla Pozza

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Italian philosopher

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Why Is Carlo Dalla Pozza Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Carlo Dalla Pozza was an Italian philosopher of science and logician. Biography Carlo Dalla Pozza was born in Taranto, in the Southern region Apulia, from Luigi Dalla Pozza, an officer of the Italian Navy from Veneto region, and Cecilia Pontrelli from Apulia. During high school studies at the Liceo Scientifico Battaglini of Taranto, Giovanni De Tommaso, a tough old-style teacher of mathematics, gave him the taste for mathematical problems and for the elegance of proofs. Carlo studied literature and philology at the University of Bari, where he graduated with a dissertation on Renato Serra under the supervision of Aldo Vallone. Throughout his life Carlo manifested his love for Italian literature, in particular for the 19th-century poets Giacomo Leopardi, Giosuè Carducci and Gabriele d'Annunzio. Among Italian classics he preferred Dante and Torquato Tasso.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Carlo Dalla Pozza?

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