
David Norris

Most Influential Person Now

Irish scholar, independent Senator, and gay and civil rights activist

David Norris 's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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Political Science
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David Norris
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Political Science
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Why Is David Norris Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, David Patrick Bernard Norris is an Irish scholar, independent Senator and civil rights activist. Internationally, Norris is credited with having "managed, almost single-handedly, to overthrow the anti-homosexuality law which brought about the downfall of Oscar Wilde", a feat he achieved in 1988 after a fourteen-year campaign. He has also been credited with being "almost single-handedly responsible for rehabilitating James Joyce in once disapproving Irish eyes".

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What Schools Are Affiliated With David Norris ?

David Norris is affiliated with the following schools: