
Denise Giardina

Most Influential Person Now

American writer

Denise Giardina's Academic­ Rankings

Denise Giardina
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  • Literature

Why Is Denise Giardina Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Denise Giardina is an American novelist. Her book Storming Heaven was a Discovery Selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club and received the 1987 W. D. Weatherford Award for the best published work about the Appalachian South. The Unquiet Earth received an American Book Award and the Lillian Smith Book Award for fiction. Her 1998 novel Saints and Villains was awarded the Boston Book Review fiction prize and was semifinalist for the International Dublin Literary Award. Giardina is an ordained Episcopal Church deacon, a community activist, and a former candidate for governor of West Virginia.

Other Resources About Denise Giardina

What Schools Are Affiliated With Denise Giardina?

Denise Giardina is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Denise Giardina's Academic Contributions?

Denise Giardina is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Denise Giardina has made the following academic contributions: