
Donald Fairbairn

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Patristic scholar

Donald Fairbairn's Academic­ Rankings

Donald Fairbairn
Religious Studies
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Why Is Donald Fairbairn Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Donald Fairbairn is a scholar specializing in patristic soteriology and Cyril of Alexandria who currently teaches at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Education Fairbairn graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University with an A.B. in English literature. During his time at Princeton he was awarded the "Class of 1859 Prize" which was awarded to the student in the English department with the highest graduating GPA. He then began an M.Div program at Erskine Theological Seminary in Due West, South Carolina where he was awarded the Kenneth Fitzhugh Morris Award for excellence in Biblical studies. After two years of study at Erskine he transferred to Denver Seminary where he graduated with honors, having been awarded the Scholarship Award for being the M.Div graduate with the highest GPA. In 1999 Fairbairn was awarded the Ph.D. in Patristics from the University of Cambridge, where he completed a dissertation titledGrace and Christology in Cyril of Alexandria and John Cassian under Lionel Wickham.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Donald Fairbairn?

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