
Elizabeth Platz

Most Influential Person Now

Lutheran pastor

Why Is Elizabeth Platz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Elizabeth Alvina Platz is an American Lutheran pastor and was the first woman in North America ordained by a Lutheran church body. Platz was born and raised in Pittsburgh, in a family that attended church regularly, but was not religious. She won a scholarship to attend any college in Pittsburgh, and chose to study at Chatham College, where she graduated in 1962 with a degree in history. While there, she became interested in studying theology. After graduating, she enrolled at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, which was the only Lutheran seminary that would accept woman. While the other four women enrolled were all on the education track, Platz was able to persuade the administration to allow her to take on the Bachelors of Divinity program. After graduating in 1965, Platz served as chaplain for the Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Maryland, College Park.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Elizabeth Platz?

Elizabeth Platz is affiliated with the following schools: