
Emma Bull

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American writer

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  • Literature

Why Is Emma Bull Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Emma Bull is an American science fiction and fantasy author. Her novels include the Hugo- and Nebula-nominated Bone Dance and the urban fantasy War for the Oaks. She is also known for a series of anthologies set in Liavek, a shared universe that she created with her husband, Will Shetterly. As a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, she has been a member of the Minneapolis-based folk/rock bands Cats Laughing and The Flash Girls.

Other Resources About Emma Bull

What Schools Are Affiliated With Emma Bull?

Emma Bull is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Emma Bull's Academic Contributions?

Emma Bull is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Emma Bull has made the following academic contributions: