Graziella Sciutti
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Italian soprano, vocal teacher and opera producer
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Why Is Graziella Sciutti Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Graziella Sciutti was an Italian soprano opera singer and later vocal teacher and opera producer. Career Sciutti was born in Turin, Italy. Her parents were musical, her father being an organist; her mother was French. She studied privately with Ginevra Marinuzzi, then in Rome at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia under Rachele Margliano-Mori with the intention of making a career on the concert platform. From 1948 she participated in broadcasts on Italian Radio, her first being L'oca del Cairo.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Graziella Sciutti?
Graziella Sciutti is affiliated with the following schools: