
Hammadi Sammoud

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Tunisian linguist and academic

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Why Is Hammadi Sammoud Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Hammadi Hamida Sammoud is a Tunisian academic, writer, historian, and linguist, who was born on June 25, 1946. He is also a member of the House of Wisdom Foundation. Early life Sammoud was born in Kelibia, Tunisia. He studied the persistence of philosophy and classical literature. In 1972, he obtained a degree in Arabic language and literature from the college of arts and humanities in Tunisia, and in 1980, he received a PhD in the same major, his thesis was titled "Arabs’ Rhetorical Thinking: Its Principles and Development in the 6th Century". After studying at the New Sorbonne University Paris 3, the University of Paris 8 and the Lumière University Lyon 2, he worked as a professor at the faculty of arts and humanities in Manouba.

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