
Hazel Barnes

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American philosopher and writer

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Why Is Hazel Barnes Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Hazel Estella Barnes was an American philosopher, author, and translator. Best known for her popularization of existentialism in America, Barnes translated the works of Jean-Paul Sartre as well as writing original works on the subject. After earning her Ph.D. in Classics from Yale in 1941, she spent much of her career at the University of Colorado. In 1979, Barnes became the first woman to be named Distinguished Professor at CU-Boulder. In recognition of her long tenure and service to the University, in 1991 CU established the Hazel Barnes Prize for faculty who best embody "the enriching interrelationship between teaching and research." In 1962, Barnes was the host of a television series, "Self Encounter: A Study in Existentialism", which ran for 10 episodes and appeared on National Public Television.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Hazel Barnes?

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