
James Rumbaugh

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Computer scientist, software engineer

James Rumbaugh's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

James Rumbaugh
Computer Science
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Software Engineering
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USA Rank
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USA Rank
computer-science Degrees
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  • Computer Science

Why Is James Rumbaugh Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, James E. Rumbaugh is an American computer scientist and object-oriented methodologist who is best known for his work in creating the Object Modeling Technique and the Unified Modeling Language . Biography Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Rumbaugh received a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , an M.S. in astronomy from the California Institute of Technology , and received a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT under Professor Jack Dennis.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With James Rumbaugh?

James Rumbaugh is affiliated with the following schools: