
Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard

Most Influential Person Across History


Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard's Academic­ Rankings

Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard
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biology Degrees
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  • Biology

Why Is Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard was an anatomist known for his work on the anastomotic veins of the cerebral circulation. The "vein of Trolard" was named after him. He studied medicine at the Algiers Preparatory College of Medicine, afterwards working as a municipal physician in Saint Eugène, a suburb of Algiers. In 1861, he began work as an anatomy prosector at the college. From 1869 to 1910, he was a professor of anatomy at the Mustapha Pacha hospital Algiers.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard?

Jean Baptiste Paulin Trolard is affiliated with the following schools: