
Josephine Yaroshevich

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Why Is Josephine Yaroshevich Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Josephine Yaroshevich is a painter and pioneer in the field of Computer Art. Biography Josephine Yaroshevich was born in Kharkiv to a Jewish family, and grew up in Odesa. She studied art at Odesa with well-known painters Lev Mejberg and Zoy Ivnitzkaia. She also studied at the Moscow Art Academy under the guidance of professor Volia Nikolatvich Liahov. She taught at the Stroganoff Academy and Polygraphists Institute, and worked at the famous Taganka Theater, both in Moscow. There, she was associated with Nonconformistss Group. The origins of her art stem from the Russian Avant-garde; Kandinsky, Malevich, El Lissitzky and Scriabin influenced her spiritual and aesthetic development.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Josephine Yaroshevich?

Josephine Yaroshevich is affiliated with the following schools: