
Kinnosuke Ogura

Most Influential Person Across History

Japanese mathematician and historian of mathematics

Kinnosuke Ogura's Academic­ Rankings

Kinnosuke Ogura
Historical Rank
mathematics Degrees
Kinnosuke Ogura
Historical Rank
history Degrees
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  • Mathematics
  • History

Kinnosuke Ogura's Degrees

Why Is Kinnosuke Ogura Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Kinnosuke Ogura was a Japanese mathematician and historian of mathematics. He graduated in 1905 from Tokyo College of Science , and was a lecturer there from 1910 to 1911. He was assistant at the Department of Mathematics of the new Tohoku Imperial University from 1911 to 1917, and received his Ph.D. in 1916 with a thesis on trajectories in the conservative field of force. He did research in France for two years, from 1919 to 1922. He was an Invited Speaker of the ICM in 1920 at Strasbourg.

Other Resources About Kinnosuke Ogura

What Schools Are Affiliated With Kinnosuke Ogura?

Kinnosuke Ogura is affiliated with the following schools: