
Lenore Malen

Most Influential Person Now

American artist

Why Is Lenore Malen Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Lenore Malen is an American artist who creates video installations, photography, and performance. Malen was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship and a NYFA Grant in Interdisciplinary Art in 2009. Early life and career Malen was born and lives and works in New York City. Malen's father, Philip J. Levitt, was a music critic and several uncles were artists, including the printmaker Edwin Kaufman and the Works Projects Administration painter Lionel Stern. Malen received a BA degree from Skidmore College in art history, and an MA in art history from the University of Pennsylvania . She began her career as a painter, curator and art critic, exhibiting at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum and writing for Arts Magazine under the editorship of Richard Martin. From 1990 to 1996, Malen served as executive editor of Art Journal, published by the College Art Association.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lenore Malen?

Lenore Malen is affiliated with the following schools: