
Louis Nowra

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  • Literature

Why Is Louis Nowra Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mark Doyle, better known by his stage name Louis Nowra, is an Australian writer, playwright, screenwriter and librettist. He is best known as one of Australia's leading playwrights. His works have been performed by all of Australia's major theatre companies, including Sydney Theatre Company, Melbourne Theatre Company, Queensland Theatre Company, State Theatre Company of South Australia, Belvoir, and many others, and have also had many international productions. His most significant plays are Così, Radiance , Byzantine Flowers, Summer of the Aliens and The Golden Age. In 2006 he completed The Boyce Trilogy for Griffin Theatre Company, consisting of The Woman with Dog's Eyes, The Marvellous Boy and The Emperor of Sydney.

Other Resources About Louis Nowra

What Schools Are Affiliated With Louis Nowra?

Louis Nowra is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Louis Nowra's Academic Contributions?

Louis Nowra is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Louis Nowra has made the following academic contributions: