
Marie-Luise Neunecker

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German hornist

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According to Wikipedia, Marie Luise Neunecker is a German horn player and professor at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler". Professional career Neunecker was born in Erbes-Büdesheim. She studied musicology and German studies. She completed her horn studies with at the Hochschule für Musik Köln. In 1978 she started her career at the Opern- und Schauspielhaus Frankfurt as second horn. In 1979 she was appointed principal horn with the Bamberg Symphony, and from 1981 to 1989 she held the same position with the hr-Sinfonieorchester. She has appeared as a soloist with various orchestras worldwide, and is also active as a chamber music player.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Marie-Luise Neunecker?

Marie-Luise Neunecker is affiliated with the following schools: