Mario Botta
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Swiss architect
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Why Is Mario Botta Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Mario Botta is a Swiss architect. Career Botta designed his first building, a two-family house at Morbio Superiore in Ticino, at age 16. He graduated from the Università Iuav di Venezia . While the arrangement of spaces in this structure is inconsistent, its relationship to its site, separation of living from service spaces, and deep window recesses echo of what would become his stark, strong, towering style. His designs tend to include a strong sense of geometry, often being based on very simple shapes, yet creating unique volumes of space. His buildings are often made of brick, yet his use of material is wide, varied, and often unique.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mario Botta?
Mario Botta is affiliated with the following schools: