
Max Abramovitz

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American architect

Max Abramovitz's Academic­ Rankings

Max Abramovitz
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Why Is Max Abramovitz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Max Abramovitz was an American architect. He was best known for his work with the New York City firm Harrison & Abramovitz. Life Abramovitz was the son of Romanian Jewish immigrant parents. He graduated in 1929 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Architecture. While at Illinois, Abramovitz was a member of the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity. He later received an M.S. from Columbia University's architecture school in 1931. He also was the recipient of a two-year fellowship at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris before returning to the US and becoming partners with Wallace Harrison from 1941 to 1976. In 1961, he was an invited resident of the American Academy in Rome.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Max Abramovitz?

Max Abramovitz is affiliated with the following schools: