
Mohammed Abed al-Jabri

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Moroccan philosopher

Mohammed Abed al-Jabri's Academic­ Rankings

Mohammed Abed al-Jabri
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Mohammed Abed al-Jabri Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mohammed Abed Al Jabri was one of the most known Moroccan and Arab philosophers; he taught philosophy, Arab philosophy, and Islamic thought in Mohammed V University in Rabat from the late 1960s until his retirement. He is considered one of the major philosophers and intellectual figures in the modern and contemporary Arab world. He is known for his academic project "Critique of Arab Reason", published in four volumes between the 1980s and 2000s. He published several influential books on the Arab philosophical tradition.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mohammed Abed al-Jabri?

Mohammed Abed al-Jabri is affiliated with the following schools: