
Mona Lisa Saloy

Most Influential Person Now

American poet and folklorist

Mona Lisa Saloy's Academic­ Rankings

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Mona Lisa Saloy
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Why Is Mona Lisa Saloy Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mona Lisa Saloy is an American poet and folklorist. She is the Poet Laureate of Louisiana since 2021. Biography Mona Lisa Saloy was born in New Orleans and got her education in the University of Washington, where she graduated in 1979 with a BA in English. She then went to San Francisco State University and left with her MA in creative writing and English in 1982. She then went to Louisiana State University, which she left with a PhD in English and MFA in creative writing in 2005 and 1988. Saloy is the Conrad N. Hilton Endowed Professor of English at Dillard University.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mona Lisa Saloy?

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