
Philippe Sollers

Most Influential Person Now

French philosopher

Philippe Sollers's Academic­ Rankings

Philippe Sollers
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literature Degrees
Philippe Sollers
World Rank
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World Rank
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Literature
  • Philosophy

Philippe Sollers's Degrees

Why Is Philippe Sollers Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Philippe Sollers was a French writer and critic. In 1960 he founded the avant garde literary journal Tel Quel , which was published by Le Seuil and ran until 1982. Sollers then created the journal L'Infini, published first by Denoel, then by Gallimard with Sollers remaining as sole editor.

Other Resources About Philippe Sollers

What Schools Are Affiliated With Philippe Sollers?

Philippe Sollers is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Philippe Sollers's Academic Contributions?

Philippe Sollers is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and philosophy.

Philippe Sollers has made the following academic contributions: