
Rima Pipoyan

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Armenian choreographer, director, dancer

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Why Is Rima Pipoyan Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Rima Pipoyan is an Armenian choreographer, director, dancer and dance teacher. She is considered to be one of the pioneers of modern ballet and contemporary dance in Armenia. In 2017 she has found "Choreography development" educational and cultural foundation aiming to support the development of contemporary dance and modern ballet in Armenia. Since 2020, she has been the head of the Modern Dance Department at the Yerevan State Choreographic College. The department was created on her initiative. Pipoyan has presented her choreographic works in Italy, Spain, Serbia, Croatia, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Moldova, Georgia, Belgium, Portugal, etc.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Rima Pipoyan?

Rima Pipoyan is affiliated with the following schools: