
Roberto Saviano

Most Influential Person Now

Italian journalist and writer

Roberto Saviano's Academic­ Rankings

Roberto Saviano
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World Rank
Historical Rank
communications Degrees
Roberto Saviano
World Rank
Historical Rank
World Rank
Historical Rank
literature Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Literature

Why Is Roberto Saviano Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Roberto Saviano is an Italian writer, essayist, journalist, and screenwriter. In his writings, including articles and his book Gomorrah, he uses literature and investigative reporting to tell of the economic reality of the territory and business of organized crime in Italy, in particular the Camorra crime syndicate, and of organized crime more generally.

Other Resources About Roberto Saviano

What Schools Are Affiliated With Roberto Saviano?

Roberto Saviano is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Roberto Saviano's Academic Contributions?

Roberto Saviano is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and literature.

Roberto Saviano has made the following academic contributions: