
Rodolfo Benini

Most Influential Person Across History

Italian statistician and demographer

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Why Is Rodolfo Benini Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Rodolfo Benini was an Italian statistician and demographer. Biography At the beginning of his university career, Rodolfo Benini taught a history of commerce course at the University of Bari . Then he became a professor of economics at the University of Perugia , a professor of statistics at the University of Pavia and at the Bocconi University of Milan . Finally, he moved to the University of Rome, where he was the first professor of statistics and then professor of political economy . Benini held various positions at the national and international levels, including president of the Higher Council of Statistics and of the Commission of Statistics and Law at the Ministry of Justice. He also represented the Italian Government at the Geneva Conference in 1921 and served as the president of the Commission of Statistics at the General Assembly for the World Agriculture Census in 1926.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Rodolfo Benini?

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