Steven Levy
American journalist
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Why Is Steven Levy Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Steven Levy is an American journalist and Editor at Large for Wired who has written extensively for publications on computers, technology, cryptography, the internet, cybersecurity, and privacy. He is the author of the 1984 book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, which chronicles the early days of the computer underground. Levy published eight books covering computer hacker culture, artificial intelligence, cryptography, and multi-year exposés of Apple, Google, and Facebook. His most recent book, Facebook: The Inside Story, recounts the history and rise of Facebook from three years of interviews with employees, including Chamath Palihapitiya, Sheryl Sandberg, and Mark Zuckerberg.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Steven Levy?
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What Are Steven Levy's Academic Contributions?
Steven Levy is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Steven Levy has made the following academic contributions: