
Tadeusz Bartczak

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Polish chemist, crystallographer and engineer

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chemistry Degrees
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According to Wikipedia, Tadeusz Bartczak was a Polish chemist and professor at the Lodz University of Technology. In 1957, he obtained a master's degree in chemical engineering at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz. In 1955, he started working at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry at the Technical University, in co-operation with professor, Edward Józefowicz. In 1965, he was awarded a doctoral degree. In the academic year 1969/1970, he worked at the Oxford University with professor, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin—a Nobel Prize laureate. In the same year, he was nominated as a member of the Oxford University and a member of the Linacre College. He was a student of professor, Zdzisław Gałdecki. From 1982 to 1984, he worked at the University of Notre Dame and the Northwestern University in the United States. In 1986 he obtained his PhD; in 1997, he was awarded the title of professor, and full professor in 2001.

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