
Violeta Hemsy de Gainza

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Argentinian pianist

Violeta Hemsy de Gainza's Academic­ Rankings

Violeta Hemsy de Gainza
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Why Is Violeta Hemsy de Gainza Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Violeta Hemsy de Gainza was an Argentine pianist and music pedagogue. She focused on the music education of children, improvisation and music therapy, considering learning music a human right. Her books were translated into many languages. She served in international organisations, as a board member of the International Society for Music Education from 1985 to 1990, and as president of the Latin American Forum of Musical Education from its foundation in 1995 to 2005.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Violeta Hemsy de Gainza?

Violeta Hemsy de Gainza is affiliated with the following schools: