
Walter Rogowski

Most Influential Person Across History

German physicist

Walter Rogowski's Academic­ Rankings

Walter Rogowski
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physics Degrees
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  • Physics

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Why Is Walter Rogowski Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Walter Rogowski was a German physicist who bridged the gap between theoretical physics and applied technology in numerous areas of electronics. The Rogowski coil was named after him. Biography In 1900, Rogowski began his studies at the RWTH Aachen, under Arnold Sommerfeld, who occupied the Chair for Applied Mechanics. He acquired his Vordiplom in 1902 and went on to study at the Danzig Technische Hochschule , where he was also a scientific assistant. He completed his studies at Danzig in 1904, but stayed on until 1908, when he went to be a scientific assistant at the Physikalisch Technische Reichsanstalt in Berlin, specializing in high current technology, telecommunications technology, and electrical physics.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Walter Rogowski?

Walter Rogowski is affiliated with the following schools: