
Yoshihiko Wada

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Japanese painter

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According to Wikipedia, Yoshihiko Wada is a Japanese painter. Biography Born in Miyama , Kitamura, Mie, Japan in 1940, his father was a cleric.He graduated from Asahigaoka High School in Aichi.In 1959, he enrolled on the oil painting course at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.In 1964 he held his first solo exhibition.In 1965 he worked as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University In 1971 he won a scholarship from the Italian government and stayed in Rome for six years, also travelled in Spain while studying Western art.Returned to Japan in 1977In 1980 he was an assistant professor of the Japanese painting course at Nagoya University of Arts In 1986 he was professor at Nagoya University of Arts.On March 15, 2006, he was awarded the Education, Science and Technology Minister's Art Encouragement Prize .On June 5, 2006, the Education, Science and Technology Minister's Art Encouragement Prize was stripped from Wada because of plagiarism.

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