
Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin

Most Influential Person Across History

Soviet geologist

Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin
Earth Sciences
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earth-sciences Degrees
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  • Earth Sciences

Why Is Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin was a Soviet geologist. Biography Between 1919-1921 he served in the Red Army. In 1926 he graduated from the Leningrad Mining Institute. He later became a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and in 1946 was awarded the Stalin Prize for his contribution in the discovery of gold deposits in northeast Siberia. Together with mining engineer Evgeny Bobin , Bilibin surveyed and charted the last unmapped areas of continental USSR, the Sette-Daban and the Yudoma-Maya and Aldan highlands, in the course of an expedition sent by the Soviet government in 1934.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin?

Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin is affiliated with the following schools: