Zuzanna Topolińska
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Polish linguist
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Zuzanna Topolińska's Degrees
- PhD Linguistics University of Warsaw
- Masters Linguistics University of Warsaw
- Bachelors Linguistics University of Warsaw
Why Is Zuzanna Topolińska Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Zuzanna Topolińska - Polish linguist, Slavist, Macedonist. Biography Zuzanna Topolińska was born in Warsaw into an intellectual family. Her father was a historian, before the war he worked as a program director at Polish Radio. She passed her high school diploma in 1948 at the Gymnasium of Królowej Jadwigi in Kielce.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Zuzanna Topolińska?
Zuzanna Topolińska is affiliated with the following schools: