How Much Does It Cost to Get a Masters in Education?

How Much Does It Cost to Get a Masters in Education?

Key Takeaways

  • A public university is typically more affordable than a private college.
  • At most schools, in-state students pay lower tuition rates than out-of-state graduates in education students.
  • According to NCES data, graduate students pay around $12,390 per year on average for a master’s in education degree.

Getting a master’s in education can increase your chances of landing well-paying and high-level jobs. However, the associated costs that come with this master’s program can be a dealbreaker for many potential students. So how much does it cost to get a masters in education? This article breaks down the costs involved.

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How Much Does It Cost to Get a Master’s in Education? 

Earning a master’s in education can be a big financial commitment, covering tuition, fees, and more.

Typically taking one to three years, these programs can cost you anywhere from $50,000 to $85,000. However, calculating the actual cost can be complex because it depends on various factors such as:

  • Whether the college is public or private
  • Where your school/college is located
  • How long your program is
  • Whether you’re in-state or out-of-state
  • If you’re studying in-person or online

The school’s accreditation and degree program you choose can also affect how much you pay for tuition and if you qualify for federal aid. Remember to consider these elements when figuring out how much your master’s degree will cost.

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Key Factors That Affect the Cost of a Master’s in Education Degree Program

Many educators choose to pursue a master’s degree in education to boost their career prospects. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Education, over 56% of school teachers have a master’s or higher degree.

However, the cost of the degree can be a big challenge for aspiring teachers and educators. Knowing what factors affect the cost can help students make smart financial choices and reach their education goals.

Here are more critical factors that impact the cost of a master’s degree in education:

Type of School (Private vs. Public)

The type of school or college students choose can affect tuition expenses. For instance, public universities are cheaper as they receive government funding and taxpayer contributions.

On the other hand, private universities rely on tuition fees and donations, so they cost more per credit. However, even among private universities, there’s a difference in tuition fees. Master’s students at nonprofit private universities pay more than those at for-profit ones.

On an average, graduate students at private colleges pay 101% more than those at public schools.

Resident vs. Non-resident Status

When you decide to earn your master’s degree in education at a public university, you will see that they often have different tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students.

In-state students are those who study in their home state, while out-of-state students study in a different state. In-state learners usually pay less because they and their families contribute to state taxes, which support public colleges.

This means the state helps lower tuition costs for in-state students.

Program Format

Another primary factor in determining the cost of a master’s degree program in education is the mode of delivery.

Online degree programs can help students save money on things such as housing and commuting, making them more affordable options.

In contrast, on-campus programs provide students with a traditional college experience yet may have added expenses for facilities. The right choice mostly depends on what the student wants and can afford.

Additional Costs

When planning for a master’s in education, there are several other costs to consider than just tuition:

  • Books and materials: Textbooks and other supplies are important for your courses. These can cost between $500 and $1,500 yearly, depending on your program, specialization, and the number of courses you take.
  • Technology fees: Many programs charge technology fees to maintain digital platforms and resources. These fees are usually around $100 to $300 per semester.
  • Transportation: If you need to commute to campus, transportation costs can add up. Depending on how far you live and your mode of transport, you might spend $300 to $1,000 each semester.
  • Living expenses: Housing, utilities, and food are major expenses. These costs vary by location, you can expect to spend between $10,000 and $15,000 annually.
Young woman using her laptop
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How to Pay for Your Master’s in Education 

Pursuing a master’s in education degree program can cost a lot of money; however, there are plenty of resources available to help lighten the load.

Scholarships and Grants

One of the best ways to pay for your master’s degree in education is through scholarships and grants. It’s a great option as you don’t have to repay the amount.

  • PLU Excellence in Education Graduate Scholarship: These scholarships are for students who are underrepresented in the program and want to teach in high-need areas.
  • The Martinez Foundation Scholarship for New Teachers: This scholarship is for graduate students of color who want to become teachers and help reduce the achievement gap in Washington public schools.
  • Shereen Paff Special Education Scholarship: Established in memory of Shereen Paff, this scholarship supports students who are passionate about improving education for children with special needs.
  • PLU Graduate Assistantships: This program offers graduate students opportunities to gain experience in academic and administrative activities while receiving financial assistance.
  • The Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship: Named after three Michigan teachers, this scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate dedication to principles and high professional standards in education.
  • TEACH Grants: These grants can help you pay for university if you intend to become an educator or teacher in a high-need field in a low-income area.


A graduate assistantship means you work for your university in exchange for a tuition waiver and monthly stipend.

Earning a graduate assistantship role can be competitive, but showing team spirit and academic excellence helps. You may teach, research, or help with admin tasks, depending on vacant positions in your department.

Student Loans

Many students rely on loans to fund their master’s degree in education. Listed below are a few options you can consider:

  • Federal Stafford Loan: This loan is usually the best option because it has low, fixed interest rates (6.6%) and origination fees (1.062%). However, it comes with a lower borrowing limit ($20,500) and you must show financial need.
  • Federal Grad PLUS Loan: This federal loan has higher interest rates (7.6%) and fees (4.248%) compared to the Stafford Loan. It allows for a larger borrowing limit ($75,246) and doesn’t require proof of financial need.
  • Private student loans: Private student loans often come from banks, credit unions, and other private lenders. To qualify, you need good credit scores. While private loans may offer better terms, repayment is often less flexible than with federal loans.

Employer Tuition Reimbursement Programs

Employers often offer tuition reimbursement programs to help pay for their employees’ education, as long as it fits company guidelines. They believe more knowledgeable and educated employees will benefit the company.

Sometimes, if employees use this benefit, they have to stay with the employer for a while after they finish studying. If they leave early, they may have to pay back some of the money used for their education.

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Types of Master’s in Education Degrees

A master’s in education degree isn’t a one-size-fits-all. There are various types to consider, depending on who you want to teach, whether you want to specialize in a specific subject, or if you seek an administrator role.

Here are the four types of master’s in education degrees:

Types Of Masters In Education DegreeWho It’s For
Master Of Education (M.Ed.)Individuals who wish to become school principals or school counselors
Master of Arts in EducationIndividuals who wish to work in administration-related jobs or become a teacher
Master of Science in EducationIndividuals who wish to become policymakers or researchers
Master Of Arts In TeachingProfessionals who want to polish their skills and advance their career

Young woman wearing graduation robes while holding her diploma

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

This degree program largely focuses on field-based, practical experience to help you grasp and assess education methods better.

The specific courses students take depend on their concentration. They’ll likely study topics such as differentiated learning, instructional design, education research, educational leadership, instructional theories, and education policy and reform.

M.Ed. programs are often made flexible so you can keep teaching while working towards your degrees.

Who It’s For

This program is for professionals who want to learn more about teaching theories, strategies, and ways to teach effectively. It’s also for those who want to leave the classroom and become school principals, design curriculum, work as school counselors, or even train in the corporate field.

Specializations or Concentrations

  • Educational Leadership, PK–12
  • Curriculum & Instruction
  • Higher Education Leadership
  • Inclusive Learning & Special Education
  • Literacy & Digital Learning
  • Educational Technology
  • Teaching English Language Learners
  • School Counseling

Master of Arts in Education (M.A. in Education)

Master of arts in education programs offer students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of education and a specific subject like math, history, or English.

Throughout the program, you’ll learn about education theory, curriculum development, and educational research related to your chosen subject area.

Who It’s For

These programs are great for teachers who want to learn more deeply about education, especially the theories and research. Many graduates end up working as teachers or in school offices.

Specializations or Concentrations

  • Special Education
  • Technology and Learning
  • Literacy & Language Instruction
  • Science & Mathematics Education
  • Educational Studies
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Higher Education
  • Curriculum Instruction
  • English Language Learner (ELL) or English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Educational Psychology
  • Arts Integration

Master of Science in Education (M.S. in Education)

Similar to an M.A. in education program, a master of science in education program blends courses focused on the subject matter with instruction in teaching methods. This combination helps you grasp the teaching techniques necessary for success in the classroom.

Who It’s For

The program is designed for current educators who have a keen interest in research and technical skills.

It’s also suitable for those who aim for careers that demand a blend of hands-on knowledge and expertise in research, quantitative methods, and qualitative analysis.

Many graduates pursue roles as policymakers, curriculum developers, researchers, or administrators.

Specializations or Concentrations

Students raising their hands, all hoping that their professor will pick them during class

Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A. in Teaching)

The M.A. in teaching degree program equips you with hands-on practice, foundational knowledge, and teaching methods required for success in classrooms.

They offer a mix of theoretical classes – instructional design, leadership in classrooms, and student development – along with practical work such as research and student teaching.

Who It’s For

This degree is perfect for those without an undergraduate teaching background who aspire to teach and need practical training.

It’s also suitable for current teachers who want to enhance their classroom skills and focus on subject-specific content while remaining in teaching roles.

Specializations or Concentrations

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Gifted & Talented Education
  • Primary/Elementary Education
  • English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Literacy and Reading

Related Questions

Is a Master’s Degree in Education More Expensive Than a Bachelor’s?

Master’s program tuition at public colleges is more expensive than bachelor’s tuition. According to NCES data, graduate students pay around $12,390 per year on average, while undergraduates pay about $9,380. Remember, getting a bachelor’s degree might cost more in general since bachelor’s programs usually take four years, while master’s programs last one to three years.

How Many Years Does It Take to Get a Master’s in Education Degree?

Typically, you can earn a master’s in education degree in two years. However, learning part-time can extend the timeline, and accelerated programs may shorten it.

Which Master’s Degree in Education Pays the Most?

Individuals with a master’s in education can earn different salaries depending on their job, not just degree choice. School principals, for example, are some of the highest-paid educators. In 2023, they made a median salary of $103,460.


While pursuing a master’s in education can be expensive upfront, the potential rewards are significant. It opens doors to better-paying jobs, career advancement, and financial security for educators. By planning your finances wisely and exploring available financial aid, obtaining this degree can pave the way for a fulfilling career in education.

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