What’s the difference between a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, and a Bachelor of Veterinary Science?

What’s the difference between a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, and a Bachelor of Veterinary Science?

Though a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) is offered in the United States, a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed) and a Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS) are largely awarded in the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries that adhere to similar educational standards. The BVetMed and BVMS are similar in structure and are equivalent to earning a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine in the US and Canada, though graduates with these titles will need to pass a licensing examination in order to practice in North America. A BVSc degree is one of several undergraduate degrees students in the US and Canada can earn in preparation for veterinary school.

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How long does it take to earn a BVSc, BVetMed, or a BVMS?

Both the BVetMed and BVMS take, on average, five years to complete. The BVSc is a pre-professional program that takes about four years to complete.

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What will I study in each of these programs?

Students earning a BVetMed or BVMS will take modules that prepare them to practice veterinary medicine. In the first few years of the program, students will gain the fundamental knowledge of animal body systems, health, and disease. In subsequent years, students will handle real-world cases and develop practical experience in clinical settings. Students will also have an opportunity to select from areas of specialization that might include care for wildlife, zoo, or exotic animals.

Students in a BVSc program will gain a comprehensive education and take courses that will help them prepare for veterinary school, including biology, organic chemistry, genetics, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and animal nutrition.

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Can I practice veterinary medicine with a BVSc, BVetMed, or a BVMS?

Those who complete a BVetMed or BVMS program from the United Kingdom will be eligible for registration with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and can then practice veterinary medicine.

The BVSc is a pre-professional degree awarded in North America. Graduates can either apply to veterinary school or take the required licensure examination to become a veterinary technologist.

Career Outlook for Students with Veterinary Science Degree

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Veterinary Practice Residency Program

Degree Level: Bachelor's

  • Location: The U.S. (Private Schools)
  • Job Growth: 19.78%
  • Number of Jobs: 89,500

Career Salaries

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Promising Job Markets

StateCost of LivingAvg. Salary
#2 Arizona5% higher than average$122,820
#3 Michigan15% higher than average$106,310
#4 New York5% higher than average$127,230
#5 Ohio14% higher than average$104,470
#6 Georgia13% higher than average$103,760

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