Rose State College
#7046 / #1858
Global Influence / U.S. Influence
Community college in Midwest City, Oklahoma
Rose State College Featured Rankings
About Rose State College
According to Wikipedia, Rose State College is a public community college in Midwest City, Oklahoma. History Rose State College was originally named Oscar Rose Junior College in memory of Oscar V. Rose, a former Mid-Del School District school superintendent.
Rose State College's Online Degrees
AAS in Accounting
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AS in Business
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Management
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Marketing/Social Media
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Small Business Operations
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Supply Chain Management And Logistics
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Computer Information Technology
Degree Concentrations
- Database
- Programming
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Digital Forensics
- Required Credits: 66
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Cybersecurity
- Required Credits: 69
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
AAS in Multimedia Digital Design
- Required Credits: 63
- Completion Time: None Reported
- Format: None Reported
Rose State College Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Graduation Rate |
21% |
How Much Does Rose State College Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) | Fees (in-state) |
$3,778 | $1,232 |
How Much Do Rose State College Graduates Make?
If you graduate from Rose State College, then you can expect to earn an average of $36,300 per year. You also have a 82% chance of being employed after 10 years.
Rose State College's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads |
8,907 | 8,907 |
Where is Rose State College?
Rose State College is located at 6420 S E 15th, Midwest City OK 73110-2799
How Safe is Rose State College?
Midwest City has a violent crime rate of less than .01% and a property crime rate of less than .01%.
What Is Rose State College Known For?
Rose State College is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:
- Medical
- Education
- Mathematics
- Communications
- Earth Sciences
- History
- Engineering
- Criminal Justice
- Political Science
- Physics
- Biology
- Business
- Computer Science
- Psychology
- Literature