Abraham Wald
Most Influential Person Across History
Romanian mathematician, statistician and scientist
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Abraham Waldmathematics Degrees
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Mathematics Philosophy
Abraham Wald's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Vienna
Why Is Abraham Wald Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Abraham Wald was a Jewish Hungarian mathematician who contributed to decision theory, geometry and econometrics, and founded the field of sequential analysis. One of his well-known statistical works was written during World War II on how to minimize the damage to bomber aircraft and took into account the survivorship bias in his calculations. He spent his research career at Columbia University. He was the grandson of Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Glasner.
Abraham Wald's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Statistical Decision Functions (1951) (2294)
- Tests of statistical hypotheses concerning several parameters when the number of observations is large (1943) (2115)
- Optimum Character of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (1948) (1087)
- Note on the Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (1949) (1053)
- On a Test Whether Two Samples are from the Same Population (1940) (821)
- The Fitting of Straight Lines if Both Variables are Subject to Error (1940) (816)
- On the Statistical Treatment of Linear Stochastic Difference Equations (1943) (595)
- Statistical Decision Functions Which Minimize the Maximum Risk (1945) (462)
- Sequential Tests of Statistical Hypotheses (1945) (429)
- Contributions to the Theory of Statistical Estimation and Testing Hypotheses (1939) (403)
- An Exact Test for Randomness in the Non-Parametric Case Based on Serial Correlation (1943) (334)
- On Stochastic Limit and Order Relationships (1943) (299)
- On Cumulative Sums of Random Variables (1944) (263)
- On the Choice of the Number of Class Intervals in the Application of the Chi Square Test (1942) (249)
- On the Efficient Design of Statistical Investigations (1943) (241)
- Statistical Tests Based on Permutations of the Observations (1944) (234)
- Tolerance Limits for a Normal Distribution (1946) (215)
- On a Statistical Problem Arising in the Classification of an Individual into One of Two Groups (1944) (200)
- On Some Systems of Equations of Mathematical Economics (1951) (187)
- An Extension of Wilks' Method for Setting Tolerance Limits (1943) (182)
- A Sequential Decision Procedure for Choosing One of Three Hypotheses Concerning the Unknown Mean of a Normal Distribution (1949) (145)
- Relations among certain ranges of vector measures (1951) (137)
- Elimination of Randomization in Certain Statistical Decision Procedures and Zero-Sum Two-Person Games (1951) (128)
- Foundations of a General Theory of Sequential Decision Functions (1947) (117)
- Confidence Limits for Continuous Distribution Functions (1939) (107)
- An Essentially Complete Class of Admissible Decision Functions (1947) (92)
- Bayes Solutions of Sequential Decision Problems. (1949) (81)
- A Note on the Analysis of Variance with Unequal Class Frequencies (1940) (77)
- A Note on Regression Analysis (1947) (76)
- On a Statistical Generalization of Metric Spaces. (1943) (76)
- On the Fundamental Lemma of Neyman and Pearson (1951) (76)
- Asymptotically Most Powerful Tests of Statistical Hypotheses (1941) (69)
- Some Generalizations of the Theory of Cumulative Sums of Random Variables (1945) (59)
- Elimination of Randomization in Certain Problems of Statistics and of the Theory of Games. (1950) (58)
- Sequential Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Distribution with Known Variance (1947) (58)
- Asymptotic Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate of an Unknown Parameter of a Discrete Stochastic Process (1948) (57)
- Generalization of a Theorem By v. Neumann Concerning Zero Sum Two Person Games (1945) (50)
- A New Formula for the Index of Cost of Living (1939) (46)
- On the Distribution of Wilks' Statistic for Testing the Independence of Several Groups of Variates (1941) (45)
- On the Power Function of the Analysis of Variance Test (1942) (44)
- Setting of Tolerance Limits When the Sample is Large (1942) (42)
- Two Methods of Randomization in Statistics and the Theory of Games (1951) (36)
- Sequential Method of Sampling for Deciding between Two Courses of Action (1945) (36)
- Bayes Solutions of Sequential Decision Problems (1950) (34)
- Sampling Inspection Plans for Continuous Production which Insure a Prescribed Limit on the Outgoing Quality (1945) (31)
- Differentiation Under the Expectation Sign in the Fundamental Identity of Sequential Analysis (1946) (31)
- On the Principles of Statistical Inference. (1942) (29)
- Selected Papers in Statistics and Probability. (1955) (28)
- The Approximate Determination of Indifference Surfaces by Means of Engel Curves (1940) (22)
- Limits of a distribution function determined by absolute moments and inequalities satisfied by absolute moments (1939) (21)
- Some Examples of Asymptotically Most Powerful Tests (1941) (20)
- Characterization of the Minimal Complete Class of Decision Functions When the Number of Distributions and Decisions Is Finite (1951) (19)
- On the Analysis of Variance in Case of Multiple Classifications with Unequal Class Frequencies (1941) (18)
- Estimation of a Parameter When the Number of Unknown Parameters Increases Indefinitely with the Number of Observations (1948) (15)
- Limit distribution of the maximum and minimum of successive cumulative sums of random variables (1947) (14)
- Asymptotically Shortest Confidence Intervals (1942) (10)
- Note on Confidence Limits for Continuous Distribution Functions (1941) (10)
- On Distinct Hypotheses (1949) (9)
- Note on Zero Sum Two Person Games (1950) (7)
- Some Improvements in Setting Limits for the Expected Number of Observations Required by a Sequential Probability Ratio Test (1946) (5)
- Generalization of the Inequality of Markoff (1938) (4)
- On the distribution of the maximum of successive cumulative sums of independently but not identically distributed chance variables (1948) (4)
- Long Cycles as a Result of Repeated Integration (1939) (4)
- Note on a Lemma (1944) (3)
- On the principles of statistical inference. Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures I. (1942) (2)
- Abraham Wald-1902–1950 (1951) (2)
- On a Relation Between Changes in Demand and Price Changes (1952) (1)
- On the principles of statistical inference : four lectures delivered at the University of Notre Dame, February 1941 (1942) (0)
- Report of the President of the Institute for 1948 (1949) (0)
- Chapter VI: Outline of a General Theory of Statistical Inference (1942) (0)
- BUROS, OSCAR KRISEN (Ed.). The Second Yearbook of Research and Statistical Methodology: Books and Reviews. Pp. xx, 383. Highland Park: The Gryphon Press, 1941. $5.00 (1942) (0)
- Chapter V: Asymptotically Most Powerful Tests and Asymptotically Shortest Confidence Intervals (1942) (0)
- Chapter II: The Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing a Statistical Hypothesis (1942) (0)
- Chapter IV: The Theory of Confidence Intervals (1942) (0)
- Title and Copyright Pages (1942) (0)
- Chapter III: R. A. Fisher's Theory of Estimation (1942) (0)
- Congruent imbedding in F-metric spaces (1954) (0)
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