Ainsley Iggo
New Zealand neurophysiologist
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Ainsley Iggo's Degrees
- Bachelors Neuroscience University of Auckland
- Masters Neurophysiology University of New Zealand
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ainsley Iggo FRS was a New Zealand born neurophysiologist. Life He was born in Napier, New Zealand and studied at a farming college in Invercargill, where he won a bursary to study Agricultural Sciences at the University of New Zealand. There he was awarded a research scholarship to continue his studies in Britain. After gaining a BSc and an MSc in electrophysiology and neuroscience at the University of Otago in Dunedin, with a thesis on rumen digestion in sheep, he moved to Aberdeen to join the Rowett Research Institute, an agricultural research facility of the University of Aberdeen. There he was awarded a PhD for his studies on the vagus nerve of sheep.He moved to Edinburgh in 1954, where he began as a lecturer in physiology at the Medical School of the University of Edinburgh before accepting the Chair of Veterinary Physiology at the Royal School of Veterinary Studies of the University of Edinburgh in 1962. He played the major role in establishing the school, commonly known as the Dick Vet, into an internationally recognised centre of excellence, before becoming dean of the School. He remained as professor emeritus of veterinary physiology until his death.
Ainsley Iggo's Published Works
Published Works
- The structure and function of a slowly adapting touch corpuscle in hairy skin (1969) (727)
- Tension receptors in the stomach and the urinary bladder (1955) (504)
- Segmental and supraspinal actions on dorsal horn neurons responding to noxious and non-noxious skin stimuli (1975) (421)
- The structure and function of the slowly adapting type II mechanoreceptor in hairy skin. (1972) (417)
- Somatosensory System (1973) (396)
- Cutaneous thermoreceptors in primates and sub‐primates (1969) (357)
- A quantitative study of cutaneous receptors and afferent fibres in the cat and rabbit (1967) (354)
- Morphology of cutaneous receptors. (1982) (337)
- Cutaneous mechanoreceptors with afferent C fibres (1960) (289)
- Distribution of recurrent inhibition among motoneurones (1961) (279)
- Conduction failure in myelinated and non‐myelinated axons at low temperatures (1968) (279)
- The substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord: a critical review. (1980) (277)
- An α2 receptor mediates the selective inhibition by noradrenaline of nociceptive responses of identified dorsal horn neurones (1985) (253)
- Nociceptor-driven dorsal horn neurones in the lumbar spinal cord of the cat (1976) (243)
- A quantitative study of sensitive cutaneous thermoreceptors with C afferent fibres (1960) (214)
- Functional characteristics of mechanoreceptors in sinus hair follicles of the cat (1973) (195)
- Gastro-intestinal tension receptors with unmyelinated afferent fibres in the vagus of the cat. (1957) (179)
- The electrophysiological identification of single nerve fibres, with particular reference to the slowest‐conducting vagal afferent fibres in the cat (1958) (179)
- Cutaneous heat and cold receptors with slowly conducting (C) afferent fibres. (1959) (177)
- Preganglionic sympathetic activity in normal and in reserpine‐treated cats (1960) (169)
- The effect of histamine, 5‐hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine on cutaneous afferent fibres (1961) (160)
- Electrophysiological studies on gamma motoneurones. (1960) (150)
- Gastric mucosal chemoreceptors with vagal afferent fibres in the cat. (1957) (149)
- Correlative physiological and morphological studies of rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors in cat's glabrous skin. (1977) (145)
- Electrophysiological investigations on Renshaw cells (1961) (135)
- Responses of spinocervical tract neurones to noxious stimulation of the skin. (1977) (126)
- Pain in the trigeminal region edited by D. J. Anderson and B. Matthews, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam and New York, 1977. Dfl 121.00 $49.50 (xiii + 453 pages) 0 444 80011 5 (1978) (105)
- PGI2-induced activation and sensitization of articular mechanonociceptors (1991) (105)
- Analysis of cutaneous warm and cold fibres in primates (2004) (95)
- Mucosal enteroceptors with vagal afferent fibres in the proximal duodenum of sheep. (1984) (79)
- Tension receptors with vagal afferent fibres in the proximal duodenum and pyloric sphincter of sheep. (1984) (78)
- A quantitative study of C‐mechanoreceptors in hairy skin of the cat. (1977) (78)
- Dorsal Root Potentials and Ventral Root Reflexes Evoked by Nonmyelinated Fibers (1968) (78)
- Primate cutaneous thermal nociceptors. (1971) (76)
- Receptors in the bill of the platypus. (1988) (64)
- Sensory receptors in monotremes. (1998) (60)
- An Electrophysiological Study of Neurones in the Substantia Gelatinosa Rolandi of the Cat's Spinal Cord (1979) (58)
- Electroreceptors in the platypus (1987) (58)
- Sensory receptors in the skin of mammals and their sensory functions. (1985) (55)
- Cutaneous and subcutaneous sense organs. (1977) (55)
- Prostanoid-induced potentiation of the excitatory and sensitizing effects of bradykinin on articular mechanonociceptors in the rat ankle joint (1993) (54)
- The role of PGE2 in the sensitization of mechanoreceptors in normal and inflamed ankle joints of the rat (2004) (54)
- Responses of electroreceptors in the snout of the echidna. (1989) (53)
- Effects of paracetamol and aspirin on neural activity of joint mechanonociceptors in adjuvant arthritis (1991) (51)
- The responses of duodenal tension receptors in sheep to pentagastrin, cholecystokinin and some other drugs. (1984) (51)
- The effects of 5‐HT on articular sensory receptors in normal and arthritic rats (1990) (46)
- An electrophysiological study of single vagal efferent units associated with gastric movements in sheep (1967) (45)
- The effects of hypoxia on slowly adapting type I (SAI) cutaneous mechanoreceptors in the cat and rat. (1987) (44)
- Extracellular and intracellular recordings from neurones in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi (1977) (42)
- Descending control of spinal nociceptive transmission. Actions produced on spinal multireceptive neurones from the nuclei locus coeruleus (LC) and raphe magnus (NRM) (2004) (42)
- Sensory receptors in ankle joint capsules of normal and arthritic rats (2004) (41)
- Central nervous control of gastric movements in sheep and goats (1956) (38)
- Temperature Discrimination in the Skin (1964) (38)
- Slowly-adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors. (1967) (37)
- Intracellular marking of identified neurones in the superficial dorsal horn of the cat spinal cord. (1981) (36)
- Selective block of small fibres in the spinal roots by phenol. (1960) (36)
- Is the physiology of cutaneous receptors determined by morphology? (1976) (33)
- An electrophysiological study of some reticulo‐ruminal and abomasal reflexes in sheep (1967) (32)
- Pathways mediating descending control of spinal nociceptive transmission from the nuclei locus coeruleus (LC) and raphe magnus (NRM) in the cat (2004) (31)
- Cutaneous Mechanoreceptors in Simple and in Complex Sensory Structures (1974) (29)
- Mechanical sensitivity of regenerating myelinated skin and muscle afferents in the cat (2004) (26)
- The central projection of electrosensory information in the platypus. (1992) (25)
- A study of 5-HT-receptors associated with afferent nerves located in normal and inflamed rat ankle joints (1988) (24)
- Spinal processing: anatomy and physiology of spinal nociceptive mechanisms. (1985) (24)
- The mechanism of adrenaline‐induced inhibition of sympathetic preganglionic activity (1962) (24)
- Impulse coding in primate cutaneous thermoreceptors in dynamic thermal conditions. (1971) (22)
- Nerves and Mechanoreceptors: The Role of Innervation in the Development and Maintenance of Mammalian Mechanoreceptors. (1996) (22)
- Transduction and cellular mechanisms in sensory receptors (1988) (22)
- Natural stimulation of urinary bladder afferents does not affect transmission through lumbosacral spinocervical tract neurones in the cat (1978) (22)
- Spinothalamic neurones in the cat: some electrophysiological observations (1980) (22)
- Segmental and intersegmental organization of neurones in the Substantia Gelatinosa Rolandi of the cat's spinal cord. (1979) (22)
- Responses of mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors in skin of the snout of the echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus (1985) (21)
- Electrophysiology of the afferent innervation of the penis of the domestic ram. (1978) (21)
- Responses of electroreceptors in the platypus bill to steady and alternating potentials. (1989) (20)
- Nociceptive neurones in the superficial dorsal horn of cat lumbar spinal cord and their primary afferent inputs (2004) (19)
- Projections of the spinothalamic tract to the thalamic nuclei of the cat (1978) (19)
- Myelinated afferent nerve fibers from the skin of the rabbit ear. (1967) (19)
- Electrophysiology of the afferent innervation of sinus hairs, including vibrissae, of the cat. (1972) (19)
- Spontaneous and reflexly elicited contractions of reticulum and rumen in decerebrate sheep. (1951) (18)
- Supraspinal linkage gelatinosa neurones: effects of descending impulses (1979) (18)
- Membrane properties of nociceptive neurones in lamina II of lumbar spinal cord in the cat. (1988) (16)
- The effect of naloxone on the inhibition of nociceptor driven neurones in the cat spinal cord. (1980) (16)
- A quantitative analysis of non-myelinated cutaneous mechano-receptors. (1968) (16)
- The tract of Lissauer and the dorsal root potential. (1978) (15)
- Sensory receptors in the ruminant stomach and their reflex effects. (1970) (15)
- Ascending projections of nociceptor-driven Lamina I neurones in the cat (1979) (15)
- The metabolic dependence of primate cutaneous cold receptors [proceedings]. (1977) (14)
- Dorsal root potentials in the cat: effects of bicuculline (1983) (13)
- Neurophysiology 2nd edition: R. H. S. Carpenter Sevenoaks, Kent: Edward Arnold. 1990. 387 pp. £17.95 (1991) (13)
- Cutaneous Receptors and their Sensory Functions (1984) (13)
- Studies of mechanoreceptors in skin of the snout of the echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus. (1996) (12)
- Cutaneous electroreceptors in the platypus: a new mammalian receptor. (1988) (12)
- The effect of lysine acetylsalicylate on joint capsule mechanoreceptors in rats with polyarthritis (2004) (11)
- Afferent C-fibres and visceral sensation. (1986) (11)
- Receptors in the stomach and the bladder. (1954) (10)
- The Peripheral Mechanisms of Cutaneous Sensation (1965) (10)
- The physiological interpretation of electrical stimulation of the nervous system. (1978) (9)
- Input characteristics and rostral projection of dorsal horn neurones in the monkey. (1975) (8)
- The effects of bradykinin and prostaglandin E1 on rat cutaneous afferent nerve activity L.A. Chahl and A. Iggo, Brit. J. Pharmacol., 59 (1977) 343–347 (1977) (8)
- Dependence of the response characteristics of glabrous rapidly adapting units in the cat on the stratum corneum (1977) (7)
- Statistical analysis of ongoing activity of neurones in the substantia gelatinosa and in lamina III of cat spinal cord. (1983) (7)
- Handbook of sensory physiology. Volume II. Somatosensory system. (1973) (7)
- Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Pain (1983) (7)
- Physiology The effect of lysine acetylsalicylate on joint capsule mechanoreceptors in rats with polyarthritis Exp. Brain Res., 61 (1985) 164–168 (1986) (7)
- Proceedings: Dorsal horn neurons excited by cutaneous cold receptors in primates. (1974) (7)
- Lability of granular vesicles in Merkel cells of the type I slowly-adapting cutaneous receptors of the cat [proceedings]. (1979) (6)
- Electroreceptors in the platypus (1987) (6)
- Cutaneous Receptors with a High Sensitivity to Mechanical Displacement (2008) (6)
- Sensory Receptors, Cutaneous (1988) (5)
- Proceedings: Dorsal horn neurones driven by cutaneous input: interaction between mechanoreceptors and nociceptors. (1973) (5)
- Reciprocal sensory interaction in the spinal cord [proceedings]. (1978) (5)
- RESEARCH FILMS IN BIOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND MEDICINE. By A. R. Michaelis. New York: Academic Press Inc. Pp. xlv + 490. $10.00 (1956) (5)
- The tract of Lissauer and the dorsal root potential F. Cervero, A. Iggo and V. Molony, J. Physiol. (Lond.), 282 (1978) 295–305 (1979) (5)
- Supraspinal linkage of substantia gelatinosa neurones: effects of descending impulses. (1979) (5)
- Slowly adapting cutaneous receptors. (1968) (5)
- Descending influences on spinal nociceptive neurons from locus coeruleus (1981) (4)
- Peripheral nerve injuries. Cutaneous sensory mechanisms. (1986) (4)
- The double twitch of the gracilis muscle (1961) (4)
- Actions of PGE2 and cicaprost on the sensitivity of high-threshold mechanoreceptors in normal and inflamed ankle joints of the anaesthetized rat (1990) (4)
- Dense Cored Vesicles in SAI Merkel Cells and Their Role in Mechano-Electric Transduction (1988) (4)
- Physiology of reproduction vols 1 & 2: Edited by Ernst Knobil & Jimmy D. Neill New York: Raven Press. 1988. 2 volumes. 2633 pp. US$ 362·50 (1989) (3)
- Activity from single neurones recorded in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi of the cat [proceedings]. (1977) (3)
- Galvanotropic fractionation of rumen ciliates. (1952) (3)
- Cortical progection of the Type I slowly adapting cutaneous afferent units. (1971) (3)
- The afferent innervation of the face of sheep and goats. (1987) (3)
- Neurones in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of the cat responding to movement of the vibrissae (1977) (2)
- Effects of cicaprost and PGE2 on the responses of rat ankle joint sensory receptors to bradykinin in vitro (1990) (2)
- Whither Sensory Specificity (1990) (2)
- HANDBOOK OF SENSORY PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 3: Enteroceptors (1973) (2)
- Sensory changes in joints of arthritic rats (1984) (2)
- Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Nociception (1983) (1)
- Brain stem control of spinal nociceptive transmission: An intracellular analysis of synaptic mechanisms (1984) (1)
- Effects of cutaneous stimulation on neurones in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi of the cat [proceedings]. (1978) (1)
- Nociception and pain : proceedings of a Royal Society discussion meeting held on 24 and 25 May 1984 (1985) (1)
- The Neurobiology of Disease: Sensory consequences of inflammation (1996) (1)
- THE SAGA OF THE ‘C’ FIBRES (1980) (1)
- Effects of noxious stimulation of the skin on transmission through the spinocervical tract [proceedings]. (1976) (1)
- Descending influences on neurones in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi of the cat [proceedings]. (1979) (1)
- The substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord Brain, 103 (1980) 717–772 (1982) (1)
- Comparison of the effects of PGE2 and cicaprost on the responses of rat ankle joint mechanorecepotors to bradykinin (1990) (1)
- Sensory receptors in ankle joint capsules of normal and arthritic rats Exp. Brain Res., 58 (1985) 29–40 (1986) (1)
- Mechanisms mediating the brain stem control of somatosensory transmission in the dorsal horn of the cat's spinal cord: an intracellular analysis (2004) (1)
- Some physiological properties of spinothalamic tract neurones in the cat [proceedings]. (1978) (1)
- Electroreception in mammals (1998) (1)
- Proceedings: Selective inhibition of dorsal horn neurones in the cat. (1976) (1)
- Dorsal horn neurones responding to cutaneous afferent input. (1975) (1)
- HANDBOOK OF SENSORY PHYSIOLOGY, VOLUME I, PRINCIPLES OF RECEPTOR PHYSIOLOGY By W. R. Loewenstein. Berlin, Heidelberg and New York: Springer Verlag, 1971. Pp. xii+600. DM 168 (1972) (0)
- Somatosensory and visceral receptor mechanisms : proceedings of an international symposium held in Leningrad, U.S.S.R., on October 11-15, 1974 (1976) (0)
- CUTANEOUS SENSATION. By David Sinclair. London: Oxford University Press. 1967. Pp. ix + 306. 63s (1968) (0)
- Electroreception. Edited by Theodore H. Bullock and Walter Heiligenberg. Pp. 722. (John Wiley & Sons.) £91.70 (1988) (0)
- Mechanisms of Transduction I: Summary and discussions (1988) (0)
- Regeneration of Vertebrate Sensory Receptor Cells. Ciba Foundation Symposium No. 160 (1992) (0)
- Book reviews (1965) (0)
- An α2 receptor mediates the selective antinociceptive effect of noradrenaline on identified dorsal horn neurones (1984) (0)
- A review of recent developments in the study of electroreception in the platypus (1998) (0)
- Progress in Cholinergic Biology : Model Cholinergic Synapses (0)
- Serotonin-induced sensitisation of articular mechanonociceptors (1994) (0)
- Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sensory Receptor Mechanisms : mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and nociceptors : Hong Kong, 9-11 September 1983 (1984) (0)
- The Sensory Neuron — Where the Action Begins (1990) (0)
- Autar Singh Paintal. 24 September 1925 — 21 December 2004 (2006) (0)
- Introduction to Section II (1989) (0)
- Excitation and inhibition of nociceptor-driven dorsal horn neurones. (1977) (0)
- An electrophysiological study of neurones in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi of the cat's spinal cord F. Cervero, A. Iggo and V. Molony, Quart. J. exp. Physiol., 64 (1979) 297–314 (1981) (0)
- Comparative Aspects of Mechanoreceptor Systems, vol. 10 in Advances in Comparative and Environmental Biology. Edited by F. Ito. Pp. 309. Springer‐Verlag, 1992. DM 198.00 hardback. ISBN 3 540 54118 7 (1993) (0)
- Mme Denise Albe‐Fessard D.Sc. (2004) (0)
- David Whitteridge, 22 June 1912 - 15 June 1994 (1996) (0)
- Mammalian afferent nerve fibres (1963) (0)
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