Alexandre Chorin
American mathematician
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Alexandre Chorin's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Chicago
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Why Is Alexandre Chorin Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Alexandre Joel Chorin is an American mathematician known for his contributions to computational fluid mechanics, turbulence, and computational statistical mechanics. Chorin's work involves developing methods for solving physics and fluid mechanics problems computationally. His early work introduced several widely used numerical methods for solving the Navier-Stokes equations, including the method of artificial compressibility, the projection method, and vortex methods. He has made numerous contributions to turbulence theory. In recent years he has been developing methods for prediction in the face of uncertainty and for filtering and data assimilation.
Alexandre Chorin's Published Works
Published Works
- Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (1968) (5178)
- A Numerical Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems (1997) (2614)
- Numerical study of slightly viscous flow (1973) (1474)
- A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics (1979) (1307)
- On the Convergence of Discrete Approximations to the Navier-Stokes Equations (1969) (627)
- Vorticity and turbulence (1994) (503)
- Random choice solution of hyperbolic systems (1976) (373)
- Product formulas and numerical algorithms (1978) (342)
- Vortex sheet approximation of boundary layers (1978) (327)
- Optimal prediction and the Mori-Zwanzig representation of irreversible processes. (2000) (295)
- Discretization of a vortex sheet, with an example of roll-up☆ (1973) (260)
- Optimal prediction with memory (2002) (254)
- Flame advection and propagation algorithms (1980) (231)
- Stochastic Tools in Mathematics and Science (2005) (210)
- Numerical modelling of turbulent flow in a combustion tunnel (1982) (194)
- The evolution of a turbulent vortex (1982) (190)
- Vortex Models and Boundary Layer Instability (1980) (181)
- The Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for an Incompressible Fluid (2015) (173)
- Random choice methods with applications to reacting gas flow (1977) (166)
- Computational Fluid Mechanics (1989) (164)
- Implicit sampling for particle filters (2009) (161)
- On the Convergence of Discrete Approximations to the Navier-Stokes Equations* (1989) (144)
- Implicit particle filters for data assimilation (2010) (132)
- Hairpin Removal in Vortex Interactions II (1990) (120)
- A random map implementation of implicit filters (2011) (119)
- Optimal prediction of underresolved dynamics. (1998) (113)
- Problem reduction, renormalization, and memory (2005) (107)
- Gaussian fields and random flow (1974) (104)
- Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (2010) (101)
- Scaling laws for fully developed turbulent flow in pipes: discussion of experimental data. (1997) (89)
- Curvature and solidification (1985) (86)
- Discrete approach to stochastic parametrization and dimension reduction in nonlinear dynamics (2015) (83)
- Hermite expansions in Monte-Carlo computation (1971) (83)
- Self-similar intermediate structures in turbulent boundary layers at large Reynolds numbers (1999) (79)
- Estimates of intermittency, spectra, and blow-up in developed turbulence (1981) (72)
- Dimensional reduction for a Bayesian filter. (2004) (69)
- Data-based stochastic model reduction for the Kuramoto--Sivashinsky equation (2015) (69)
- New Perspectives in Turbulence: Scaling Laws, Asymptotics, and Intermittency (1998) (64)
- Riemann Problems for Reacting Gas, with Applications to Transition (1982) (63)
- The turbulent wall jet: a triple-layered structure and incomplete similarity. (2005) (59)
- Conditional Expectations and Renormalization (2002) (58)
- Scaling laws for fully developed turbulent flow in pipes: Discussion of experimental data (1997) (53)
- Implicit Particle Methods and Their Connection with Variational Data Assimilation (2012) (52)
- Conditions for successful data assimilation (2013) (50)
- Unresolved Computation and Optimal Predictions (1999) (46)
- A note concerning the Lighthill "sandwich model" of tropical cyclones. (2005) (45)
- Limitations of polynomial chaos expansions in the Bayesian solution of inverse problems (2014) (44)
- New perspectives in turbulence (1998) (41)
- Scaling laws and vanishing-viscosity limits for wall-bounded shear flows and for local structure in developed turbulence (1997) (41)
- Wave Motion: Theory, Modelling, and Computation (1987) (41)
- A note on the intermediate region in turbulent boundary layers (2000) (40)
- Scaling of the intermediate region in wall-bounded turbulence: The power law (1998) (39)
- Turbulence calculations in magnetization variables (1993) (39)
- Optimal Prediction for Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations (1999) (39)
- Implicit particle filtering for models with partial noise, and an application to geomagnetic data assimilation (2011) (38)
- Equilibrium statistics of a vortex filament with applications (1991) (38)
- Accurate Evaluation of Wiener Integrals (1973) (37)
- Parameter estimation by implicit sampling (2013) (35)
- Structure of the zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer. (1997) (34)
- Scaling laws in the vortex lattice model of turbulence (1988) (33)
- Quasilinearization and Nonlinear Problems in Fluid and Orbital Mechanics (1971) (33)
- Small viscosity asymptotics for the inertial range of local structure and for the wall region of wall-bounded turbulent shear flow. (1996) (31)
- Vortex equilibria in turbulence theory and quantum analogues (1991) (31)
- A model of a turbulent boundary layer with a nonzero pressure gradient (2002) (31)
- Regular ArticleHairpin Removal in Vortex Interactions II (1993) (31)
- The instability of fronts in a porous medium (1983) (30)
- Numerical modeling of turbulent combustion in premixed gases (1981) (30)
- A mathematical model for the scaling of turbulence. (2004) (29)
- Lectures on turbulence theory (1993) (29)
- Turbulence and vortex stretching on a lattice (1986) (28)
- On the prediction of large-scale dynamics using unresolved computations (1998) (27)
- Prediction from Partial Data, Renormalization, and Averaging (2006) (26)
- Comparison of continuous and discrete-time data-based modeling for hypoelliptic systems (2016) (25)
- Averaging and renormalization for the Korteveg–deVries–Burgers equation (2003) (22)
- Partition functions and equilibrium measures in two‐dimensional and quasi‐three‐dimensional turbulence (1996) (21)
- Numerical vorticity creation based on impulse conservation. (1996) (20)
- A survey of implicit particle filters for data assimilation (2013) (19)
- Comment on the paper “on the scaling of three-dimentsional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence” by Benzi et al. (1999) (18)
- Numerical solution of Boltzmann's equation (1972) (18)
- Stochastic Optimal Prediction with Application to Averaged Euler Equations (2000) (18)
- Path Integral Formulation of Stochastic Optimal Control with Generalized Costs (2014) (17)
- Non-Markovian Optimal Prediction (2001) (16)
- A Numerical Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems1 (1989) (16)
- Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned (2014) (16)
- Computational aspects of the turbulence problem (1971) (15)
- Accounting for Model Error from Unresolved Scales in Ensemble Kalman Filters by Stochastic Parameterization (2017) (15)
- On the existence and scaling of structure functions in turbulence according to the data. (2006) (14)
- A vortex model with superfluid and turbulent percolation (1992) (14)
- Estimating the uncertainty in underresolved nonlinear dynamics (2013) (13)
- Vortex phase transitions in 21/2 dimensions (1994) (13)
- Viscosity-dependent inertial spectra of the Burgers and Korteweg-deVries-Burgers equations. (2005) (13)
- Characteristic length scale of the intermediate structure in zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer flow. (2000) (12)
- Review: Roger Peyret and Thomas D. Taylor, Computational methods for fluid flow (1983) (12)
- Numerical Solution of the Buckley-Leverett Equations (1983) (12)
- Numerical estimates of Hausdorff dimension (1982) (12)
- The influence of the flow of the reacting gas on the conditions for a thermal explosion. (1997) (12)
- Elementary Fluid Dynamics and a Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (1991) (11)
- Turbulence: An Old Challenge and New Perspectives (1998) (11)
- Monte Carlo without chains (2008) (11)
- Interpolation and Iteration for Nonlinear Filters (2009) (10)
- Analysis of Experimental Investigations of Self-Similar Intermediate Structures in Zero-Pressure Boundary Layers at Large Reynolds Numbers (2000) (10)
- Numerical simulation of a turbulent flame stabilized behind a rearward-facing step (1985) (10)
- Hybrid vortex/magnet methods for flow over a solid boundary (1996) (9)
- Constrained random walks and vortex filaments in turbulence theory (1990) (9)
- A vortex method for the study of rapid flow (1973) (9)
- Implicit Sampling, with Application to Data Assimilation (2013) (9)
- Microstructure, renormalization, and more efficient vortex methods (1996) (8)
- Vortices, turbulence, and statistical mechanics (1991) (6)
- Note a comment on the paper “the calculation of large reynolds number flow using discrete vortices with random walk” by F. Milinazzo and P.G. Saffman (1978) (6)
- Sampling, feasibility, and priors in Bayesian estimation (2015) (5)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Physics Division (2013) (5)
- Vortex methods for the study of turbulent combustion at a low Mach number (1986) (5)
- Lecture II Theories of turbulence (1977) (5)
- On the problem of turbulent flows in pipes at very large Reynolds numbers (2015) (3)
- Book Review: Kolmogorov spectra of turbulence \RM {I:} Wave turbulence (1993) (3)
- Non-Bayesian particle filters (2009) (3)
- Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Combustion (1983) (3)
- Computational Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers (2014) (3)
- Analysis of Kosterlitz-Thouless transition models (1997) (3)
- Vortex methods and vortex statistics (1993) (3)
- The Kolmogorov Theory (1994) (2)
- Implicit sampling for an elliptic inverse problem in underground hydrodynamics (2013) (2)
- Numerical simulation of the interaction of a flame with a Karman vortex street (1980) (2)
- Inertial Range Flow and Turbulent Cascades (2015) (2)
- Solution of lattice models by successive linkage (1985) (2)
- Correction to the paper by G I Barenblatt, A J Chorin, V M Prostokishin “Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned” [Physics-Uspekhi 57 (3) 250-256 (2014)] (2014) (2)
- Wave motion : theory, modelling, and computation : proceedings of a conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Peter D. Lax (1987) (2)
- The Equations of Motion (1990) (1)
- Brownian Motion with Applications (2013) (1)
- The Kolmogorov-Obukhov Exponent in the Inertial Range of Turbulence: A Reexamination of Experimental Data (1999) (1)
- Numerical methods in statistical hydrodynamics (1977) (1)
- Partition Functions and Invariant States in Two-dimensional and Nearly Two-dimensional Turbulence (1996) (1)
- Numerical scaling analysis of the small-scale structure in turbulence (2005) (1)
- Implicit sampling for data assimilation (2014) (1)
- Statistical Mechanics of Vortex Filaments (1991) (1)
- Gas Flow in One Dimension (1990) (1)
- An Introduction to Euler’S Equations for an Incompressible Fluid (1984) (1)
- Averaging and renormalization for the KdV-burgers equation (2003) (1)
- Vortex Methods and Turbulence Theory (2010) (1)
- A Random Choice Method in Gas Dynamics (1976) (1)
- A new formulation of the near-equilibrium theory of turbulence (1999) (1)
- One-Sided Polarization and Renormalization Flow in the Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition (1999) (1)
- Vortex Equilibria in Three-Dimensional Space (1994) (1)
- Time-Dependent Statistical Mechanics (2009) (0)
- Implicit sampling for parameter estimation (2014) (0)
- Foreword by A. J. Chorin (2003) (0)
- G. I. Barenblatt in Memoriam (1927–2018) (2018) (0)
- On Turbulence Modeling(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling) (1994) (0)
- eb 2 00 0 A Note on the Intermediate Region in Turbulent Boundary Layers (2000) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work Title Stochastic Optimal Prediction with Application to Averaged Euler (2013) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work Title THE EVOLUTION OF A TURBULENT VORTEX Permalink (2012) (0)
- Turbulence and Dynamical Systems. (1984) (0)
- Potential Flow and Slightly Viscous Flow (1993) (0)
- Discretization of a Vortex Sheet, with an Example of Roll-Up* (1989) (0)
- Computational aspects of Glimm's method (2011) (0)
- A variational implementation of the implicit particle filter for the shallow water equations (2013) (0)
- Stationary Stochastic Processes (2013) (0)
- Implicit particle filtering for equations with partial noise and application to geomagnetic data assimilation (2011) (0)
- Equilibrium Flow in Spectral Variables and in Two Space Dimensions (1994) (0)
- Numerical experiments with an implicit particle filter for the shallow water equations (2012) (0)
- .-Curvature and Soliditication* (2013) (0)
- Why Turbulence Theories Cannot be Like the Kinetic Theory of Gases (1996) (0)
- A Note Concerning the Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag at Large Reynolds Numbers (2000) (0)
- Computing with Probability (2013) (0)
- Polymers, Percolation, Renormalization (1994) (0)
- Optimal prediction and t representation of irrever (2016) (0)
- Time-Varying Probabilities (2013) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Physics Division Why Turbulence Theories Cannot Be Like the Kinetic Theory of Gases (2013) (0)
- A discrete-time approach to stochastic model reduction for spatiotemporally chaotic systems (2016) (0)
- Scaling laws for turbulent jet flows at very large Reynolds numbers (2005) (0)
- Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt. 10 July 1927 — 22 June 2018 (2022) (0)
- Scaling Laws and Zero Viscosity Limits for Wall-bounded Shear Flows and for Local Structures in Developed Turbulence (2013) (0)
- Generalized Langevin Equations (2013) (0)
- Comparison of continuous and discrete data-driven predictive models for hypoelliptic systems of stochastic differential equations (2016) (0)
- A Global Approach to the Identification of Model Noise (2014) (0)
- Random Flow and Its Spectra (1994) (0)
- Implicit Sampling, with Application to Data Assimilation (2013) (0)
- Title : Finite Element Differential Forms on Simplices and Cubes (2012) (0)
- Erratum to: Chapter 9 Generalized Langevin Equations (2013) (0)
- Implicit sampling and its connection to variational data assimilation (2013) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Title Estimating the uncertainty in underresolved nonlinear dynamics Permalink (2013) (0)
- Limitations of polynomial chaos in Bayesian parameter estimation (2014) (0)
- Introduction to Probability (2013) (0)
- Computational Statistical Mechanics (2013) (0)
- N A ] 2 1 M ay 2 01 0 Implicit particle filters for data assimilation (2010) (0)
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