Anders Björner
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Swedish mathematician
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Anders Björner's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Stockholm University
Why Is Anders Björner Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Anders Björner received his Ph.D. from Stockholm University in 1979, under Bernt Lindström. He is a Swedish professor of mathematics, in the Department of Mathematics at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. His research interests are in combinatorics, as well as the related areas of algebra, geometry, topology, and computer science.
Anders Björner's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups (2005) (1590)
- Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay partially ordered sets (1980) (501)
- Shellable nonpure complexes and posets. II (1996) (436)
- Topological methods (1996) (394)
- Chip-firing Games on Graphs (1991) (312)
- On lexicographically shellable posets (1983) (279)
- Matroid Applications: Homology and Shellability of Matroids and Geometric Lattices (1992) (250)
- Posets, Regular CW Complexes and Bruhat Order (1984) (232)
- Bruhat Order of Coxeter Groups and Shellability (1982) (195)
- The Homology of "k-Equal" Manifolds and Related Partition Lattices (1995) (147)
- Chessboard Complexes and Matching Complexes (1994) (141)
- Some combinatorial and algebraic properties of Coxeter complexes and Tits buildings (1984) (131)
- Chip-Firing Games on Directed Graphs (1992) (131)
- North-Holland Mathematical Library (2005) (130)
- An Introduction to Cohen-Macaulay Partially Ordered Sets (1982) (129)
- Hyperplane arrangements with a lattice of regions (1990) (129)
- Permutation statistics and linear extensions of posets (1991) (129)
- Combinatorial stratification of complex arrangements (1992) (119)
- Linear decision trees: volume estimates and topological bounds (1992) (119)
- Generalized quotients in Coxeter groups (1988) (115)
- Matroid Applications: Introduction to Greedoids (1992) (107)
- Simplicial Manifolds, Bistellar Flips and a 16-Vertex Triangulation of the Poincaré Homology 3-Sphere (2000) (101)
- An extended Euler-Poincaré theorem (1988) (94)
- On the homology of geometric lattices (1982) (90)
- Broken circuit complexes: Factorizations and generalizations (1991) (89)
- A Homotopy Complementation Formula for Partially Ordered Sets (1983) (88)
- Oriented Matroids: Notation (1999) (83)
- Linear decision trees, subspace arrangements and Möbius functions (1994) (77)
- q-Hook length formulas for forests (1989) (70)
- Fixed points in partially ordered sets (1979) (69)
- Face Numbers of Polytopes and Complexes (2004) (67)
- Poset fiber theorems (2004) (65)
- Affine permutations of type A (1995) (62)
- Nerves, fibers and homotopy groups (2003) (60)
- Homotopy Type of Posets and Lattice Complementation (1981) (59)
- The number of faces of balanced Cohen-Macaulay complexes and a generalized Macaulay theorem (1987) (59)
- Homotopy properties of greedoids (1985) (56)
- On sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complexes and posets (2007) (52)
- Note: Combinatorial Alexander Duality—A Short and Elementary Proof (2007) (51)
- Subspace Arrangements over Finite Fields: Cohomological and Enumerative Aspects (1997) (50)
- On f‐Vectors and Homology a (1989) (42)
- Complexes of Directed Graphs (1999) (37)
- Segre and Rees products of posets, with ring-theoretic applications (2003) (37)
- The unimodality conjecture for convex polytopes (1981) (35)
- Subspace Arrangements Defined by Products of Linear Forms (2004) (34)
- Random walks, arrangements, cell complexes, greedoids, and self-organizing libraries (2008) (34)
- On the shape of Bruhat intervals (2005) (33)
- An Improved Tableau Criterion for Bruhat Order (1996) (33)
- The Möbius Function of Subword Order (1990) (28)
- Neighborhood Complexes of Stable Kneser Graphs (2003) (28)
- Nonpure Shellability, f-Vectors, Subspace Arrangements and Complexity (1994) (27)
- Bier Spheres and Posets (2003) (26)
- The Möbius Function of Factor Order (1993) (26)
- Subspace Arrangements of Type Bn and Dn (1996) (24)
- Note: Random-to-front shuffles on trees (2009) (23)
- Essential chains and homotopy type of posets (1992) (21)
- Rationality of the Möbius Function of Subword Order (1992) (21)
- Note on a Combinatorial Application of Alexander Duality (1997) (19)
- Random Walks, Arrangements, Cell Complexes, Greedoids, and Self-Organizing Libraries (2008) (19)
- Partial unimodality for f-vectors of simplicial polytopes and spheres (1993) (17)
- Extendable shellability for rank 3 matroid complexes (1994) (16)
- Filtered geometric lattices and Lefschetz Section Theorems over the tropical semiring (2014) (16)
- An Analogue of Young's Lattice for Compositions (2005) (16)
- Geometrically Constructed Bases for Homology of Partition Lattices of Types A, B and D (2004) (14)
- On complements in lattices of finite length (1981) (14)
- Some matroid inequalities (1980) (13)
- A combinatorial miscellany (2010) (12)
- Betti numbers of Buchsbaum complexes. (1990) (12)
- Extended Euler-Poincare Relations for Cell Complexes (1990) (12)
- A note on fixed points in semimodular lattices (1980) (12)
- Rationality of the Möbius function of a composition poset (2005) (12)
- Order-reversing maps and unique fixed points in complete lattices (1981) (11)
- Fixed Points and Complements in Finite Lattices (1981) (11)
- Hyperplace arrangements and box splines (2008) (10)
- The mod p Rank of Incidence Matrices for Connected Uniform Hypergraphs (1993) (10)
- A general homotopy complementation formula (1998) (10)
- Positive Sum Systems (2015) (9)
- A cell complex in number theory (2011) (9)
- Onf-vectors and Betti numbers of multicomplexes (1997) (9)
- Some Cohen-Macaulay Complexes arising in Group Theory (1987) (9)
- The Minimum Number of Faces of a Simple Polyhedron (1980) (9)
- A comparison theorem for $f$-vectors of simplicial polytopes (2006) (9)
- Oriented Matroids: A Second Orientation Session (1999) (8)
- Continuous partition lattice. (1987) (8)
- The Number of k -Faces of a Simple d -Polytope (1999) (7)
- The zeta function of a simplicial complex (1998) (7)
- Face Numbers of Scarf Complexes (2000) (7)
- Face Numbers of Complexes and Polytopes (2010) (7)
- On the connectivity of manifold graphs (2012) (6)
- The Mathematical Work of Bernt Lindström (1993) (6)
- Face numbers of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complexes and Betti numbers of componentwise linear ideals (2015) (6)
- Chain Polynomials of Distributive Lattices are 75% Unimodal (2004) (6)
- A q-analogue of the FKG inequality and some applications (2011) (5)
- Using brouwer’s fixed point theorem (2014) (5)
- A comparison theorem for f-vectors of simplicial polytopes (2006) (5)
- Connectivity of chamber graphs of buildings and related complexes (2009) (4)
- A Note on Blockers in Posets (2004) (4)
- Subspace arrangements of type Bn and Dn (1996) (3)
- The Number of k-Faces of a Simple d-Polytope (2007) (3)
- Around Brouwer's fixed point theorem (Lecture notes) (2014) (3)
- Communication Complexity of two Decision Problems (1992) (2)
- Configuration spaces : geometry, combinatorics and topology (2012) (2)
- Invertibility of the base Radon transform of a matroid (1992) (2)
- On Codimension One Embedding of Simplicial Complexes (2016) (2)
- Let \Delta be a Cohen-Macaulay complex (2014) (1)
- “Let Δ be a Cohen-Macaulay complex …” (2016) (1)
- Topological and Geometric Combinatorics (2011) (1)
- Geometric and Topological Combinatorics (2007) (1)
- A cell complex in number theory (2011) (1)
- Reflexive domains and fixed points (1985) (1)
- The number of faces of a simple polytope (1996) (1)
- Oriented Matroids: Realizability (1999) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: From Face Lattices to Topology (1999) (0)
- C O / 0 70 27 88 v 1 26 F eb 2 00 7 ON SEQUENTIALLY COHEN-MACAULAY COMPLEXES AND POSETS (2007) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: Axiomatics (1999) (0)
- Topological Models for Oriented Matroids (1999) (0)
- Ip2 on Sidorenko's Conjecture Ip3 Forcing Large Transitive Subtournamets Ip5 Coloring 3-colorable Graphs; Graph Theory Fi- Nally Strikes Back! (0)
- Continuous Matroids Revisited (2019) (0)
- Tropical geometry is a relatively new field in mathematics , based on early work of Bergman (2014) (0)
- Arrangements of Pseudolines (1999) (0)
- An extended Euler-Poincar 6 theorem (2006) (0)
- Topological aspects of Boolean functions (2022) (0)
- Subspace Arrangements over Finite Fields: Cohomological and Enumerative Properties (1996) (0)
- Studies in homological and combinatorial order theory (1979) (0)
- Combinatorics of {C}oxeter groups (2005) (0)
- Determining the position and orientation of a tax-mark (1996) (0)
- Some Current Frontiers of Research (1999) (0)
- Let \Delta be a Cohen-Macaulay complex (2014) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: Linear Programming (1999) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: A First Orientation Session (1999) (0)
- Note: Random-to-front shuffles on trees (2009) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: Constructions (1999) (0)
- Oriented Matroids: Convex Polytopes (1999) (0)
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