Andrew Samuels
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British psychologist
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Andrew Samuels's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Essex
- Masters Psychology University of Essex
- Bachelors Psychology University of Essex
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Why Is Andrew Samuels Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Andrew Samuels is a British psychotherapist and writer on political and social themes from a psychological viewpoint. He has worked with politicians, political organisations, activist groups and members of the public in Europe, US, Brazil, Israel, Japan, Russia and South Africa as a political and organisational consultant. Clinically, Samuels has developed a blend of Jungian and post-Jungian, relational psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches.
Andrew Samuels's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The political psyche (1993) (307)
- A critical dictionary of Jungian analysis (1986) (226)
- Jung and the Post-Jungians (1985) (181)
- Comparison and evaluation (1986) (103)
- Countertransference, the 'mundus imaginalis' and a research project. (1985) (42)
- The Plural Psyche: Personality, Morality and the Father (1989) (39)
- Politics on the Couch (2018) (37)
- The Father: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives (1985) (23)
- From sexual misconduct to social justice (1996) (16)
- Relational Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling : Appraisals and reappraisals (2014) (13)
- Improving access to psychological therapies: For and against (2009) (13)
- Analysis and Activism : Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology (2016) (12)
- National Psychology, National Socialism, and Analytical Psychology (1992) (12)
- The “Activist Client”: Social Responsibility, the Political Self, and Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (2017) (11)
- Political and clinical developments in analytical psychology, 1972-2014: subjectivity, equality and diversity-inside and outside the consulting room. (2014) (10)
- New Material Concerning Jung, Anti-Semitism, and the Nazis (1993) (10)
- The Good-Enough Father of Whatever Sex (1995) (10)
- Economics, psychotherapy and politics (2014) (10)
- Analysis and Pluralism: the Politics of Psyche (1989) (10)
- The Hidden Politics of Healing: Foreign Dimensions of Domestic Practice (2002) (9)
- Will the post-Jungians survive? (1998) (9)
- The Image of the Parents in Bed (1982) (9)
- The transcendent function and politics: NO! (2010) (9)
- Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives (1989) (8)
- Shadows of the therapy relationship (2010) (7)
- Jung and ‘Africans’: a critical and contemporary review of some of the issues* (2018) (7)
- The theory of archetypes in Jungian and post-Jungian analytical psychology (1983) (7)
- What is a Good Training (1993) (7)
- Incest and omnipotence in the internal family. (1980) (7)
- National psychology, national socialism, and analytical psychology: reflections on Jung and anti-semitism. Part II. (1992) (7)
- The professionalization of Carl G. Jung's analytical psychology clubs. (1994) (7)
- “I Rebel, Therefore We Are” (Albert Camus) (2016) (6)
- The politics of transformation in the global crisis: are spiritual emergencies reflecting an enantiodromia in modern consciousness? (2010) (6)
- ‘I am a Place’ : Depth Psychology and Environmentalism (1993) (5)
- New developments in the post-Jungian field (2008) (5)
- Politics on the Couch? Psychotherapy and Society—Some Possibilities and Some Limitations (2004) (5)
- Jung's return from banishment. (1996) (5)
- Countertransference and Politics (1992) (5)
- Carnal Critiques: Promiscuity, Politics, Imagination, Spirituality and Hypocrisy (2009) (5)
- A new anatomy of spirituality: clinical and political demands the psychotherapist cannot ignore† (2004) (5)
- Replies to an international questionnaire on political material brought into the clinical setting by clients of psychotherapists and analysts (1993) (4)
- The emergence of schools of post-Jungian analytical psychology. (1983) (4)
- A Relation Called Father Part 2: The Father and his Children (1988) (4)
- ‘And if not now, when?’: Spirituality, psychotherapy, politics (1998) (4)
- Gender and Psyche: Developments in Analytical Psychology (1984) (4)
- Passions, Persons, Psychotherapy, Politics: The selected works of Andrew Samuels (2015) (4)
- The good-enough leader (2018) (4)
- A New Therapy for Politics (2015) (3)
- Open Letter from a Group of Jungians on the Question of Jung’s Writings On and Theories About “Africans” (2019) (3)
- Promiscuities: Politics, imagination, spirituality and hypocrisy (2009) (3)
- Socially Responsible Roles of Professional Ethics: Inclusivity, Psychotherapy and ‘the Protection of the Public’ (2006) (3)
- Andrew Samuels in conversation with Angie Voela (2018) (2)
- Relational Approaches to Social and Political Issues: Andrew Samuels Interviewed by Tom Warnecke (2016) (2)
- Jung's Birthday Greetings to Professor Göring (1993) (2)
- Excitatory amino acids in neurologic disorders. (1994) (2)
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Therapy (But Were Afraid to Ask): Fragments of a Critical Psychotherapy (2015) (2)
- Global politics, American hegemony and vulnerability, and Jungian-psychosocial studies: why there are no winners in the battle between Trickster Pedro Urdemales and the Gringos (2015) (2)
- Psychotherapists and Counselors for Social Responsibility (UK) (2003) (2)
- Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy (2010) (2)
- The future of Jungian analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats ('SWOT'). (2017) (2)
- Discussion of Nancy Hollander's ‘Psyche, Ideology, and the Creation of the Political Subject’ (2008) (2)
- Fred Plaut in Conversation with Andrew Samuels (1989) (2)
- Muriel Dimen Interviewed by Andrew Samuels in the Context of the Publication of Her Book Sexuality, Intimacy, Power (2007) (2)
- Citizens as Therapists (1994) (1)
- Critical Psychotherapy , Psychoanalysis and Counselling Implications for Practice (2015) (1)
- The Rich Squander Money by the Thousands (1995) (1)
- A Relation Called Father Part 1: The Father in Depth Psychology (1988) (1)
- The mirror and the hammer: the politics of resacralization. (2019) (1)
- Transforming aggressive conflict in political and personal contexts (2009) (1)
- Psychoanalyzing the Apocalypse: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion (2021) (1)
- Jung, anti-semitism and the Nazis (1993) (1)
- The economic psyche (2018) (1)
- Everything you always wanted to know about therapy (but were afraid to ask): Social, political, economic and clinical fragments of a critical psychotherapy (2014) (1)
- Responsibility—Part II (1998) (1)
- Beyond the Feminine Principle (2017) (1)
- 'There is no such thing as a liberal dictatorship': discovery and first publication of a letter on politics by C. G. Jung. (1992) (1)
- Appraising the Role of the Individual in Political and Social Change Processes: Jung, Camus, and the Question of Personal Responsibility–Possibilities and Impossibilities of “Making a Difference” (2014) (1)
- Can the post-jungians survive? (1995) (1)
- 'Inner' and 'outer' worlds and the tension in between: an interview with Andrew Samuels (2004) (0)
- John Forrester – reminiscences (2016) (0)
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Therapy (But Were Afraid to Ask) (2015) (0)
- Nick Totton: An Appreciative Afterword (2013) (0)
- Nations, leaders and a psychology of difference (1993) (0)
- The self and individuation (1986) (0)
- Brief remarks on Toshio Kawai's response to my SAP lecture. (2017) (0)
- Readers Respond (2016) (0)
- Men Under Scrutiny (1992) (0)
- Putting Imagination to Work: Commentary on Papers by Kenneth Eisold and Marc Maltz (2012) (0)
- Sugar and children's behavior. (1994) (0)
- Opening the Profession (1996) (0)
- Reflecting on men (1993) (0)
- A new anatomy of spirituality (2018) (0)
- BOOKS RECEIVED (2009) (0)
- Promiscuities: politics, psychology, imagination, and spirituality (and a note on hypocrisy) (2018) (0)
- Schools of analytical psychology (1986) (0)
- Reply to Adam Phillips (2000) (0)
- From Economic Sadism to Economic Sacrifice (2010) (0)
- Who Owns the Soul?: Setting the renewed—and seemingly eternal—battle about regulation of counselling and psychotherapy against a wider back-drop (2012) (0)
- Masculinity, Psychoanalysis and Politics (2018) (0)
- Therapy in/and/of/by the World (1999) (0)
- Fathers and their progeny (1990) (0)
- Who Owns the Soul (2015) (0)
- Object relations, group process and political change (1993) (0)
- New developments in the Jungian field (2008) (0)
- Therapy as Think Tank: From a Man’s Internal Family to New Political Forms (1997) (0)
- The mirror and the hammer: The politics of resacralization (1993) (0)
- Depth psychology and politics (1993) (0)
- Transformation via "criminality": the role of the Trickster in clinical and cultural crisis (2010) (0)
- The secret politics of the internal family (2018) (0)
- Political readings of paternal imagery (2015) (0)
- Post-Jungian Dialogues (2000) (0)
- Finding Home in (An)other: Relational Chemistry and Its Psychoanalytic Derivations (1996) (0)
- The transformation of politics (2018) (0)
- Taking the green agenda out of the margins (2020) (0)
- Politics, spirituality, psychotherapy (2018) (0)
- Quale futuro per i post-junghiani (2000) (0)
- Notes on the Open Letter on Jung and “Africans”, published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in November 2018 (2019) (0)
- Notes on the Open Letter on Jung and ‘Africans’ Published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in November 2018 (2019) (0)
- Editorial (2007) (0)
- Ending and beginning (1993) (0)
- Repression of Diologue (2008) (0)
- Afterword – The Personal Equation. (2014) (0)
- Notes on the Open Letter on Jung and ‘Africans’ published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy, November 2018 (2019) (0)
- The Renaissance of Western Politics: The Good-Enough Leader, Relational Economics, and an Empathic Foreign Policy (2009) (0)
- Reading the signs (2006) (0)
- A new deal for women and men (2018) (0)
- The development of personality (2003) (0)
- [No Title] (1993) (0)
- The political clinic (1992) (0)
- Working Together, We Get the Job Done: Responses to Susan Bodnar and Philip Cushman (2017) (0)
- Aggression and leadership (2018) (0)
- Politics and psychotherapy (2005) (0)
- Original morality in a depressed culture (1990) (0)
- The secret psychology of political forms (2018) (0)
- Physicians will enter homecare practice. (1985) (0)
- Exploring national psychologies (2018) (0)
- Analytical psychology (1996) (0)
- Political material in the clinical setting: Replies to an international survey (1993) (0)
- The Erotic Leader (2000) (0)
- The politics of transformation (2018) (0)
- The essential psychotherapies. (1993) (0)
- Selected further reading (by School) (1986) (0)
- Psychotherapy, the citizen and the state (2018) (0)
- Politics and psyche (1970) (0)
- A note on the repression of dialogue in Israel/Palestine (2016) (0)
- Politics and/of/in/for Psychoanalysis (2004) (0)
- Move this Psychotherapy Conference from Jerusalem: Notes on an International Campaign of Protest (2016) (0)
- Archetype and complex (1986) (0)
- Jung And Antisemitism by Andrew Samuels | Institute of Historical Research (2012) (0)
- The secret life of politics (2018) (0)
- The lion and the fox: Morality, Trickster and political transformation (1993) (0)
- On fathering daughters (1989) (0)
- Theory in practice: an illustration (1986) (0)
- The Political Person (1997) (0)
- Applying rating systems to challenge based cybersecurity education (2017) (0)
- Comments on Farhad Dalal's ‘Jung: a racist’ (1988) (0)
- Retraining the psyche the personal is economic (1995) (0)
- Discussion of Neil Altman's paper, ‘psychoanalysis and war’ (2007) (0)
- Politics in Therapy (1993) (0)
- Letters to the Authors: Discussion of “Subjective Experience, Collective Narratives”: Andrew Samuels (2012) (0)
- First catch your child (2018) (0)
- On the 50th anniversary of the death of C.G. Jung (2011) (0)
- Comment on addressing comments by Fernstrom (2009) (0)
- Subjectivity and political discourse: The contribution of the clinic (2015) (0)
- Gender, sex, marriage (1986) (0)
- Notes on contributors (2009) (0)
- Shadows of the therapeutic relationship (2010) (0)
- The analytical process (1986) (0)
- Intimate relationships between women and men (2021) (0)
- Ranting during the pandemic: Online contributions to our online world (2020) (0)
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