Andy Hopper
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British computer scientist, (1953 - ), Warsaw, Poland
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Computer Science
Why Is Andy Hopper Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sir Andrew Hopper is a British-Polish computer technologist and entrepreneur. He is treasurer and vice-president of the Royal Society, Professor of Computer Technology, former Head of the University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology, an Honorary Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
Andy Hopper's Published Works
Published Works
- The active badge location system (1992) (4314)
- The Anatomy of a Context-Aware Application (1999) (1863)
- A new location technique for the active office (1997) (1680)
- Virtual Network Computing (1998) (1225)
- Implementing a Sentient Computing System (2001) (584)
- A distributed location system for the active office (1994) (545)
- Broadband ultrasonic location systems for improved indoor positioning (2006) (376)
- Predicting the Performance of Virtual Machine Migration (2010) (323)
- TRIP: A Low-Cost Vision-Based Location System for Ubiquitous Computing (2002) (243)
- Piconet: embedded mobile networking (1997) (238)
- Active badges and personal interactive computing objects (1992) (202)
- Scalable, Distributed, Real-Time Map Generation (2006) (198)
- Augmented reality in a wide area sentient environment (2001) (164)
- Pandora - an experimental system for multimedia applications (1990) (111)
- Autonomic system for mobility support in 4G networks (2005) (107)
- The Cambridge Fast Ring Networking System (1988) (103)
- The potential for location-aware power management (2008) (82)
- A Primer on Provenance (2014) (75)
- Teleporting in an X Window System Environment (1994) (73)
- A ubiquitous, personalized computing environment for all: Teleporting in an X Window System Environment (1994) (69)
- An ATM based protocol for Wireless LANs (1997) (65)
- Networked Surfaces: A New Concept in Mobile Networking (2000) (62)
- The Medusa applications environment (1994) (60)
- Free Lunch: Exploiting Renewable Energy for Computing (2011) (58)
- HadoopProv: Towards Provenance as a First Class Citizen in MapReduce (2013) (58)
- Global Teleporting with Java: Toward Ubiquitous Personalized Computing (1997) (54)
- The Clifford Paterson Lecture, 1999. Sentient computing (2000) (53)
- Computing for the future of the planet (2008) (51)
- The ORL Radio ATM System, Architecture and Implementation (1997) (46)
- Deploying and evaluating a location-aware system (2005) (41)
- The active badge system (abstract) (1993) (40)
- The Cambridge Backbone Ring (1990) (35)
- The Active Badge Location (1992) (35)
- Low-latency handover in a wireless ATM LAN (1998) (34)
- Integrating synchronous and asynchronous collaboration with virtual network computing (2000) (33)
- Building World Models by Ray-Tracing within Ceiling-Mounted Positioning Systems (2003) (31)
- A Distributed Location System for the Active O ceAndy (1993) (31)
- Sentient Computing ? (2003) (30)
- Towards real-time profiling of sprints using wearable pressure sensors (2012) (29)
- Handling audio and video streams in a distributed environment (1994) (28)
- Local area network design (1986) (26)
- Networked multimedia: the Medusa environment (1994) (25)
- Capturing and indexing computer-based activities with virtual network computing (2000) (24)
- Binary Routing Networks (1979) (24)
- OPUS: A Lightweight System for Observational Provenance in User Space (2013) (22)
- The Design and Implementation of a RAID-3 Multimedia File Server (1995) (21)
- Design and Use of an Integrated Cambridge Ring (1983) (20)
- Experiences with Heterogeneous Wireless Networks , Unveiling the Challenges (2004) (19)
- A framework to integrate synchronous and asynchronous collaboration (1998) (19)
- Single Reflection Spatial Voting: A Novel Method for Discovering Reflective Surfaces Using Indoor Positioning Systems (2003) (17)
- A primer on provenance (2014) (16)
- Pervasive adaptation for mobile computing (2001) (16)
- An end-system approach to mobility management for 4G networks and its application to thin-client computing (2006) (16)
- Using personnel movements for indoor autonomous environment discovery (2003) (16)
- Activity Based Sector Synchronisation: Efficient Transfer of Disk-State for WAN Live Migration (2011) (15)
- To Tune or Not to Tune?: In Search of Optimal Configurations for Data Analytics (2020) (15)
- The Royal Society Clifford Paterson Lecture , 1999 Sentient Computing (15)
- Dynamic world models from ray-tracing (2004) (14)
- A connection management scheme for a mobile radio LAN (1994) (14)
- Controversies about privacy and open information in CSCW (1992) (14)
- Local Area Computer Communication Networks (1978) (13)
- Performance of a multiple access protocol for an ATM based pico-cellular radio LAN (1992) (12)
- Tuneful: An Online Significance-Aware Configuration Tuner for Big Data Analytics (2020) (12)
- MrLazy: Lazy Runtime Label Propagation for MapReduce (2014) (11)
- Progress and Research in Cybersecurity - Supporting a resilient and trustworthy system for the UK (2016) (11)
- A representative based architecture for handling mobility in connection oriented radio networks (1995) (11)
- A feasibility study for the fabrication of planar silicon multichip modules using electron beam lithography for precise location and interconnection of chips (1992) (10)
- Improving communications at the desktop (1993) (10)
- Enhancing network services through multimedia data analysers (1997) (9)
- Non-repudiable disk I/O in untrusted kernels (2017) (9)
- Predator: A Distributed Location Service and Example Applications (1999) (9)
- Communications at the Desktop (1994) (9)
- Constructing accurate, space-efficient, wireless coverage maps for vehicular contexts (2008) (9)
- Performance of fast start-up equaliser for broadband indoor radio (2001) (8)
- The prototype embedded network (PEN) (2001) (8)
- IPAPI: Designing an Improved Provenance API (2013) (8)
- What You See Is What I Saw: Applications of Stateless Client Systems in Asynchronous CSCW (1998) (8)
- The effect of building height variation on the multiple diffraction loss component of the Walnsch-Bertoni model (2003) (8)
- Failure is an option (2008) (7)
- Multiple Vs Wide Shared Bus Multiprocessors (1989) (7)
- Soroban: Attributing Latency in Virtualized Environments (2015) (6)
- Towards autonomous updating of world models in location-aware spaces (2008) (5)
- Recent Advances in Computer Architecture: The Opportunities and Challenges for Provenance (2015) (5)
- The metrobridge: a backbone network distributed switch (1991) (4)
- Tripwire: A Synchronisation Primitive for Virtual Memory Mapped Communication (2001) (4)
- Towards Seamless Configuration Tuning of Big Data Analytics (2019) (4)
- Experiments in Digital Video for Workstations (1989) (4)
- Sports Sensing: An Olympic Challenge for Computing (2012) (4)
- The design and implementation of a high-speed user-space transport protocol (1997) (4)
- Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability (2014) (4)
- Personal Interactive Computing Objects (1992) (4)
- Intelligent Energy-Aware Networks (2012) (3)
- Evaluating the viability of remote renewable energy in datacentre computing (2016) (3)
- Teleporting in an X Window System (1993) (3)
- Simulation of broadband FWA networks in high-rise cities with linear antenna polarisation (2003) (3)
- Data transport on the networked surface (2001) (3)
- Using time-encoded terrain maps for cooperation planning (1998) (2)
- Towards Secure User-space Provenance Capture (2016) (2)
- Building and integrating a goalkeeper robot for the small-size RoboCup competition (1999) (2)
- Sensor-driven computing and communications (1998) (2)
- A Theoretical Analysis of Multiple Diffraction in Urban Environments for Wireless Local Loop Systems (2000) (2)
- The collapsed LAN: a solution to a bandwidth problem? (1997) (2)
- Opinion first person - If you ask me - Computing the planet's future (2007) (2)
- Enhancing Distributed Systems with Low-Latency Networking (1998) (2)
- Design and implementation of an ATM backbone ring (1992) (2)
- Developments in networked multimedia (1997) (1)
- An adaptive thin-client robot control architecture (1999) (1)
- The Cambridge University Robot Football Team Description (1998) (1)
- Preparing for the digital media monsoons (1998) (1)
- An agent-based signaling architecture for supporting mobility in radio ATM networks (1997) (1)
- An agent‐based signaling architecture for supporting mobility in radio ATM networks (1997) (1)
- Applications of Stateless Client Systems in Collaborative Enterprises (1999) (1)
- Cluster Tagging: Robust Fiducial Tracking for Smart Environments (2006) (1)
- Remoting Peripherals using Memory-Mapped Networks (1998) (1)
- Performance Evaluation of Wide Shared Bus Multiprocessors (1990) (1)
- Report From the CoalFace: Lessons Learnt Building A General-Purpose Always-On Provenance System (2014) (0)
- elewrting. is the abilitv to (1994) (0)
- Pandora-the design and use of a multimedia system (2002) (0)
- Cellular Data Usage in Africa : a Case Study from Rwanda (2016) (0)
- Tripwire: a synchronization primitive for virtual memory mapped communication. (2000) (0)
- The network computer (abstract) (1996) (0)
- Mobile carrier tracking system (1989) (0)
- Results from Our Collaboration Model (2007) (0)
- The Ring — Issue XXXIII — May 2013 (2013) (0)
- TELEPORTING IN JAVA : THE CONCEPT Proxy X Server X Client X Client X Client X server X server X server (1998) (0)
- I N V I S I B L E C O M P U T I N G Location-sensing Technologies Coarse-grained Systems Fine-grained Systems Location-aware Computing Comes of Age (0)
- World-wide construction of facilities for ground-based electronics systems (1974) (0)
- The Network Computer. (1996) (0)
- Practical aspects of semi-custom design (1983) (0)
- Networked Surfa es : A New Con ept in Mobile NetworkingJames (2002) (0)
- The Vunet: a Network Architecture for a Distributed Multimedia System, 18th Conf. on Local Computer Buffer Module a Module B 3. Overview the Medusa Applications Environment (0)
- Keynote: Computing for the future of the planet (2012) (0)
- Recomputation-based data reliability for MapReduce using lineage (2016) (0)
- Research data supporting "Soroban: Attributing Latency in Virtualized Environments" (2015) (0)
- A Modular Approach to Low Cost Networked Multimedia (1994) (0)
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