
Annie Zaenen

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American linguist

Annie Zaenen's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Annie Zaenen Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Annie Else Zaenen is an adjunct professor of linguistics at Stanford University, California, United States. Career Zaenen obtained her Ph.D. at Harvard University with her doctoral thesis Extraction Rules in Icelandic in 1980. After a postdoc at MIT, she taught syntax at the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, and Harvard, before joining PARC and Stanford. During the ‘90s, she was the manager of the Natural Language group of the Xerox Research Centre Europe in Grenoble, France. After Zaenen retired from PARC in 2011, she joined a research group on Language and Natural Reasoning at CSLI working on the linguistic encoding of temporal and spatial information, local textual inferences and natural logic.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Annie Zaenen?

Annie Zaenen is affiliated with the following schools: