Stanford University
Stanford University Featured Rankings
- #1 Most Influential Colleges in Golf Today
- #1 The Most Influential Colleges in Tennis Today
- #1 Private Colleges in California
- #1 California's Best Online Master's Degrees
- #1 Best Supply Chain Management MBA Programs
- #1 Most Influential US Universities by State
- #2 Grad Schools California 2022
- #2 Research Universities in California 2025
- #2 Communications Research Universities
- #2 Engineering Research Universities
- #2 Communications Colleges and Universities
- #2 Best Colleges in California 2022
- #2 Most Influential Colleges in Sports Today
- #3 Best Biology Colleges and Universities
- #3 America's 15 Most Technologically Advanced Colleges
- #3 Anthropology Research Universities
- #3 Psychology Colleges and Universities
- #3 Best Private Grad Schools 2022
- #3 Best Undergrad Private Colleges
- #3 Political Science Colleges and Universities
- #3 Chemistry Research Universities
- #4 Earth Sciences Research Universities
- #4 English Research Universities
- #4 Political Science Research Universities
- #4 Best Research Universities for Psychology Majors
- #4 Philosophy Research Universities
- #4 Best Undergrad Colleges 2025
- #4 Physics Research Universities
- #4 Computer Science Research Universities
- #4 Biology Research Universities
- #4 The Most Influential Colleges in Baseball Today
- #4 Math Research Universities
- #4 Economics Research Universities
- #4 Best US Universities 2025
- #4 History Research Universities
- #4 Religious Studies Research Universities
- #4 Best Grad Schools 2025
- #4 Free Graduate Courses You Can Take Online
- #4 The Fastest Traditional MBA Degree Programs
- #5 The Best Traditional MBA Programs
- #5 The Best Schools in the World for Earning an MBA
- #5 Best Universities World 2025
- #5 Best Undergrad Research Universities 2022
- #6 Sociology Research Universities
- #7 The Most Influential Colleges in Soccer Today
- #7 Most Influential Colleges in Swimming and Diving Today
- #8 The Most Influential Colleges in Football Today
- #9 The Most Influential Colleges in Track & Field Today
About Stanford University
Stanford University was founded by Leland Stanford, a wealthy railroad magnate and erstwhile US Senator from California, as well as a former Governor of the Golden State. He placed the university in an unincorporated area about 30 miles south of San Francisco, adjacent to the town of Palo Alto (which he also founded). The campus lies in what is now known as Silicon Valley, which contributes greatly to the immense intellectual and economic influence of the private, research university that still bears the Stanford family name. Today, Stanford University is perhaps the closest thing to a true Ivy League school on the West Coast.
The university can claim more than 80 Nobel laureates among its alumni and its full-time or visiting faculty, including:
- Carl Wieman in physics
- Roger Kornberg in chemistry
- Thomas Südhof in physiology or medicine
- Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz in economics
Stanford is also the world-leader in Turing Awards (for computer science) with 27 winners, including such luminaries as:
- Vinton Cerf
- Whitfield Diffie
- Edward Feigenbaum
- Martin Hellman
- John Hopcroft
- Donald Knuth
- Barbara Liskov
- John McCarthy
- Allen Newell
- Ronald Rivest
Another area of particular academic strength for Stanford is mathematics, as evidenced by the school’s eight Fields Medalists, including Maryam Mirzakhani and Akshay Venkatesh.
However, the particular area of strength that really sets Stanford apart from most other schools boasting similar academic firepower is its contribution to the world of business, especially successful start-up companies. Stanford is the alma mater of 30 living billionaires, including:
- Sergey Brin
- Elizabeth Holmes
- Elon Musk
- Larry Page
- Peter Thiel
Its alumni have founded companies which combined have created 5.4 million jobs and generate $2.7 trillion in annual revenue (as of 2011). If these Stanford-connected companies were to join together and declare their independence, the country they would form would have the 10th-largest economy in the world!
Stanford is also the alma mater of many famous people from numerous other walks of life, including:
- 31st President of the US, Herbert Hoover
- Nobel Prize – winning novelist, John Steinbeck
- Philosophers, Michael Dummett, Donald Davidson, & John R. Perry
- Former Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor
- 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination candidates, Cory Booker & Julián Castro
- Former astronauts, Mae Jemison, Ellen Ochoa, & Sally Ride
- TV personality, Rachel Maddow
- Movie stars, Jennifer Connelly, Sigourney Weaver, & Reese Witherspoon
Stanford is also ranked as the most influential school for tennis today.
Finally, with a library whose enormous collection contains more than nine million volumes, Stanford is a major research resource for the entire West Coast region across a wide variety of academic fields.
According to Wikipedia, Stanford University is a private research university in Stanford, California. The campus occupies , among the largest in the United States, and enrolls over 17,000 students. Stanford has been considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
Stanford University's Online Degrees
Stanford University Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information
Annual Applications | Acceptance | Graduation Rate | Median SAT Score | Median ACT Score |
56,378 | 4% | 95% | 1540 | 34 |
How Much Does Stanford University Cost To Attend?
Tuition (in-state) |
$58,416 |
Income | Average Net Cost |
0 - 30K | $-1,386 |
30K - 48K | $-1,876 |
48K - 75K | $3,637 |
75K - 110K | $7,332 |
110K+ | $45,276 |
How Much Do Stanford University Graduates Make?
If you graduate from Stanford University, then you can expect to earn an average of $141,300 per year. You also have a 91% chance of being employed after 10 years.
Stanford University's Demographics
Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.
Student Body | Under-Grads | Graduates |
20,490 | 9,144 | 11,346 |
Where is Stanford University?
Stanford University is located at , Stanford CA 94305
What Is Stanford University Known For?
Stanford University is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:
- Computer Science
- Psychology
- Biology
- Engineering
- Business
- Chemistry
- Law
- Education
- Medical
- Mathematics
- Communications
- Sociology
- Earth Sciences
- Physics
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- History
- Religious Studies
- Economics
- Anthropology
- Literature
- Nursing
Stanford University's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered
Who Are Stanford University's Most Influential Alumni?
Stanford University's most influential alumni include professors and professionals in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering, and Business. Here are some of Stanford University's most famous alumni:
- Allen Newell
- An American cognitive scientist.
- Douglas Hofstadter
- An American physicist, computer scientist and professor of cognitive science.
- Vint Cerf
- An American computer scientist .
- Sandra Day O'Connor
- A US Supreme Court justice from 1981 to 2006.
- Hans Moravec
- An Austrian-American researcher of robotics and artificial intelligence, and a supporter of transhumanism and "mind uploading".
- John Harsanyi
- A Hungarian economist .
- Gérard Debreu
- A French economist and mathematician .
- Rodney Brooks
- An Australian roboticist.
- Anthony Kennedy
- A US Supreme Court justice from 1988 to 2018.
- Stuart J. Russell
- An English-American computer scientist, (1962 - ), Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom.
- Garrett Hardin
- An American ecologist .
- Stewart Brand
- An American writer.
Who Are Stanford University's Most Influential Faculty?
Stanford University's most influential faculty include professors in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering, and Business. Here are some of Stanford University's most famous alumni:
- Carl Hewitt
- An American mathematician and computer scientist.
- Fei-Fei Li
- An American computer scientist.
- Emmanuel Saez
- A French economist.
- Feng Zhang
- A Chinese-American synthetic biologist, (1981– ), Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.
- Mendel Rosenblum
- An American academic.
- David Eagleman
- An American neuroscientist and author.
- Maryam Mirzakhani
- An Iranian mathematician, (1977 - ), Tehran, Iran.
- Nimrod Megiddo
- An American computer scientist and mathematician.
- Emmanuel Candès
- A French statistician.
- Lera Boroditsky
- An American psychologist.
- Elon Lindenstrauss
- A Mathematician.
- Justin Wolfers
- An Australian and American economist and public policy scholar.