Arild Angelsen
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Norwegian economist
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Environmental Economics
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Arild Angelsen's Degrees
- PhD Economics University of Gothenburg
- Bachelors Agricultural Economics Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Why Is Arild Angelsen Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Arild Angelsen's Published Works
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Published Works
- The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths (2001) (3301)
- Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change (2005) (1308)
- Livelihoods, forests, and conservation in developing countries: an overview (2005) (1032)
- Rethinking the causes of deforestation: lessons from economic models. (1999) (1024)
- An assessment of deforestation and forest degradation drivers in developing countries (2012) (1022)
- Environmental Income and Rural Livelihoods: A Global-Comparative Analysis (2014) (860)
- Economic models of tropical deforestation: a review. (1998) (835)
- Exploring the forest–poverty link: key concepts, issues and research implications (2003) (687)
- Moving ahead with REDD: issues, options and implications (2008) (561)
- Realising Redd+: National strategy and policy options (2009) (544)
- Forest environmental incomes and the rural poor (2007) (507)
- Agricultural expansion and deforestation: modelling the impact of population (1999) (450)
- Policies for reduced deforestation and their impact on agricultural production (2010) (388)
- Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation (2001) (360)
- Counting on the environment: forest incomes and the rural poor (2004) (351)
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): an options assessment report (2009) (265)
- Forests, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Broadening the Empirical Base (2014) (261)
- Do trees grow on money?: the implications of deforestation research for policies to promote REDD (2007) (258)
- Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices. (2012) (249)
- Shifting cultivation and “deforestation”: A study from Indonesia (1995) (234)
- Forest Cover Change in Space and Time: Combining the Von Thunen and Forest Transition Theories (2007) (220)
- Why Forests Are Important for Global Poverty Alleviation: a Spatial Explanation (2008) (208)
- Challenging Perceptions about Men, Women, and Forest Product Use: A Global Comparative Study (2014) (204)
- Managing the Miombo Woodlands of Southern Africa: Policies, Incentives and Options for the Rural Poor (2010) (204)
- Who should benefit from REDD+? Rationales and realities (2013) (187)
- Using community forest managementto achieve REDD+ goals (2009) (172)
- Incentives to Sustain Forest Ecosystem Services: A Review and Lessons for REDD (2009) (168)
- Designing and Implementing Effective REDD + Policies: A Forest Transition Approach (2013) (159)
- Measuring livelihoods and environmental dependence: Methods for research and fieldwork (2011) (156)
- Poverty, sustainability, and household livelihood strategies in Zagros, Iran (2012) (139)
- REDD+ as Result‐Based Aid: General Lessons and Bilateral Agreements of Norway (2017) (136)
- What are the key design issues for REDD and the criteria for assessing options (2008) (125)
- From Subsistence to Safety Nets and Cash Income: Exploring the Diverse Values of Non-timber Forest Products for Livelihoods and Poverty Alleviation (2011) (121)
- Will Livestock Intensification Help Save Latin America's Tropical Forests? (2008) (116)
- Do the Poor Benefit from Devolution Policies? Evidence from Malawi’s Forest Co-Management Program (2006) (112)
- What is environmental income (2005) (111)
- Exploring different forest definitions and their impact on developing REDD+ reference emission levels: a case study for Indonesia (2013) (103)
- Forest Clearing in Rural Livelihoods: Household-Level Global-Comparative Evidence (2014) (100)
- Forests and poverty alleviation (2003) (99)
- Forest dependence and participation in CPR management: empirical evidence from forest co-management in Malawi (2007) (97)
- Why do farmers expand their land into forests? Theories and evidence from Tanzania (1999) (95)
- Seeing REDD+ through 4Is: A political economy framework (2012) (95)
- The effect of Indonesia's economic crisis on small farmers and natural forest cover in the outer islands. (2000) (94)
- Economic Crisis, Small Farmer Well-Being, and Forest Cover Change in Indonesia (2001) (93)
- The transition from deforestation to reforestation in Europe. (2001) (93)
- Economic Shocks, Diversification, and Forest Use in Uganda (2012) (93)
- REDD Models and Baselines (2008) (85)
- Tree crops as deforestation and reforestation agents : the case of cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire and Sulawesi (2001) (84)
- Modeling choice of fuelwood source among rural households in Malawi: A multinomial probit analysis (2011) (84)
- How do we set the reference levels for REDD payments (2008) (78)
- Learning from REDD+: a response to Fletcher et al. (2017) (75)
- Intensified small-scale livestock systems in the Western Brazilian Amazon. (2001) (72)
- Subjective Wellbeing and Income: Empirical Patterns in the Rural Developing World (2016) (71)
- Introduction: the role of agricultural technologies in tropical deforestation. (2001) (69)
- No . 0105 The causes of land-use and landcover change : Moving beyond the myths (2007) (69)
- Global and national REDD+ architecture: linking institutions and actions (2009) (65)
- How do we ensure permanence and assign liability (2008) (61)
- When does technological change in agriculture promote deforestation (2001) (59)
- What is the right scale for REDD (2008) (59)
- Options for a national REDD+ architecture (2009) (59)
- The socioeconomic conditions determining the development, persistence, and decline of forest garden systems (2005) (58)
- What is the right scale for REDD?: The implications of national, subnational and nested approaches (2008) (58)
- The poverty-environment thesis: was Brundtland wrong? (1997) (56)
- Comparing methods for assessing the effectiveness of subnational REDD+ initiatives (2017) (55)
- Tenure Issues in REDD+ Pilot Project Sites in Tanzania (2014) (54)
- Policy options to reduce deforestation (2009) (51)
- Modalities for REDD+ Reference Levels: Technical and Procedural Issues (2011) (49)
- Forest reliance across poverty groups in Tanzania (2015) (44)
- Playing Games in the Forest: State-Local Conflicts of Land Appropriation (2001) (44)
- Counting on the Environment (2004) (42)
- Achieving Conservation and Equity amidst Extreme Poverty and Climate Risk: The Makira REDD+ Project in Madagascar (2015) (41)
- REDD+ as Performance-Based Aid: General Lessons and Bilateral Agreements of Norway (2013) (41)
- Deforestation, irrigation, employment and cautious optimism in southern Palawan, the Philippines. (2001) (41)
- A causal analysis framework for land-use change and the potential role of bioenergy policy (2016) (41)
- Climate exposure, vulnerability and environmental reliance: a cross-section analysis of structural and stochastic poverty (2018) (40)
- Is agroforestry likely to reduce deforestation (2004) (40)
- Parallel Tracks Towards a Global Treaty on Carbon Pricing (2018) (39)
- A stepwise framework for developing REDD+ reference levels (2012) (38)
- A century of technological change and deforestation in the Miombo woodlands of northern Zambia. (2001) (38)
- Technological change and deforestation: a theoretical overview (2001) (36)
- Global patterns and determinants of the economic importance of bushmeat (2017) (36)
- Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions (2018) (35)
- The evolution of REDD+: A political economy framework (2012) (34)
- Guidelines for REDD+ Reference Levels: Principles and Recommendations (2011) (34)
- Agriculture and deforestation in tropical Asia: an analytical framework. (2000) (33)
- Does Income Inequality Influence Subjective Wellbeing? Evidence from 21 Developing Countries (2018) (33)
- Summary and conclusions: REDD+ without regrets (2012) (33)
- Agricultural technology and forests: a recapitulation. (2001) (32)
- Pay little, get little; pay more, get a little more: A framed forest experiment in Tanzania (2016) (32)
- Designing the household questionnaire (2011) (32)
- Poverty, forest dependence and forest degradation links: evidence from Zagros, Iran (2014) (31)
- Did a green revolution restore the forests of the American South (2001) (30)
- Core components of the international forest regime complex (2010) (30)
- Experimental tests of tropical forest conservation measures (2015) (30)
- Shifting cultivation expansion and intensity of production: the open economy case (1994) (27)
- Do commercial forest plantations reduce pressure on natural forests? Evidence from forest policy reforms in Uganda (2014) (27)
- Slowing deforestation in Indonesia follows declining oil palm expansion and lower oil prices (2021) (26)
- Deforestation: Population or Market Driven? Different Approaches in Modelling Agricultural Expansion (1996) (26)
- Results-based payments for REDD+: lessons on finance, performance, and non-carbon benefits. (2016) (25)
- Environmental incomes and rural livelihoods : a global-comparative assessment (2011) (24)
- Charcoal production and household welfare in Uganda: a quantile regression approach (2013) (23)
- Responses to Weather and Climate: A Cross-Section Analysis of Rural Incomes (2015) (22)
- Summary and conclusions: REDD wine in old wineskins? (2009) (22)
- Back to the Forest: Exploring Forest Transitions in Candelaria Loxicha, Mexico (2011) (21)
- Hard Methods for Soft Policies. Environmental and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (1996) (21)
- Krismon, farmers and forests: the effects of the economic crisis on farmers' livelihoods and forest use in the outer islands of Indonesia (1999) (21)
- Incentives to sustain forest ecosystem services (2009) (21)
- Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level (2002) (20)
- Rethinking The Causes Of Deforestation (2012) (20)
- REDD+: Lessons from National and Subnational Implementation (2018) (20)
- REDD credits in a global carbon market : Options and impacts (2014) (20)
- What is this book about (2008) (20)
- Project appraisal and sustainability in less developed countries (1994) (20)
- Climate, crops, and forests: a pan-tropical analysis of household income generation (2018) (19)
- The 3 REDD I's (2010) (19)
- Kudzu-improved fallows in the Peruvian Amazon. (2001) (18)
- Reducing Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Leakage or Synergy? (2015) (18)
- Amazonian farmers' response to fire policies and climate change (2019) (18)
- A step-wise framework for setting REDD+ forest reference emission levels and forest reference levels (2012) (18)
- A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing (2020) (17)
- The Emergence, Persistence, and Current Challenges of Coffee Forest Gardens: A Case Study From Candelaria Loxicha, Oaxaca, Mexico (2011) (17)
- Poverty and inequality: economic growth is better than its reputation (2006) (17)
- The Economics of REDD (2014) (16)
- Migration, Remittances, and Forest Cover Change in Rural Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico (2020) (15)
- A general equilibrium analysis of technology, migration and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. (2001) (14)
- Environmental Reliance, Climate Exposure, and Vulnerability: A Cross-Section Analysis of Structural and Stochastic Poverty (2015) (14)
- Cultivating (in) Tropical forests?: the evolution and sustainability of systems of management between extractivism and plantations (2000) (13)
- Can conservation agriculture save tropical forests? The case of minimum tillage in Zambia (2018) (12)
- Debt and deforestation: A tenuous link (1996) (12)
- Forest-based climate mitigation: Lessons from REDD+ implementation (2019) (12)
- Strategic alignment: Integrating REDD+ in NDCs and national climate policies (2018) (12)
- Pathway to impact: Is REDD+ a viable theory of change? (2018) (11)
- Conclusion : agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes (2004) (11)
- Land Inheritance and Market Transactions in Uganda (2016) (10)
- The Emergence of Private Property Rights/?^ in Traditional Agriculture: Theories and a Study from Sumatra (1995) (10)
- Land use, agricultural technology and deforestation among settlers in the Ecuadorean Amazon. (2001) (10)
- Why measure rural livelihoods and environmental dependence (2011) (10)
- Proceedings of the Workshop Cultivating (in) Tropical Forests?: the Evolution and Sustainability of Systems of Management between Extractivism and Plantations, 28 June – 1 July 2000, Kraemmervika, Lofoten, Norway (2004) (10)
- Agricultural development policies and land expansion in a Southern Philippine watershed. (2001) (10)
- What exactly is myalgic encephalomyelitis? (2015) (9)
- Household's Choice of Fuelwood Source in Malawi: A Multinomial Probit Analysis (2006) (9)
- Ambiguous effects of policy reforms on sustainable agricultural intensification in Africa. (2001) (9)
- REDD+: What should come next? (2016) (9)
- On the joint probability density function for the autocorrelation estimates in ultrasound color flow imaging (1995) (9)
- Sharing future conservation costs. (2013) (9)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis, Discounting, and the Environmental Critique: Overloading of the Discount Rate? (1991) (9)
- Testing methodologies for REDD+: Deforestation drivers, costs and reference levels (2013) (9)
- Results-based payment: Who should be paid, and for what? (2018) (9)
- Climate-smart agriculture: Will higher yields lead to lower deforestation? (2018) (9)
- Shifting cultivation and 'deforestation': a study from Sumatra, Indonesia (1994) (8)
- Land Reforms and Land Degradation in Tanzania: Alternative Economic Approaches (1995) (8)
- A system dynamics model for management of Miombo woodlands (2001) (8)
- Has forest co-management in Malawi benefited the poor? (2006) (8)
- Introduction: Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy options (2009) (7)
- Balancing forests and development Addressing infrastructure and extractive industries, promoting sustainable livelihoods (2020) (7)
- Tropical agriculture and deforestation : economic theories and a study from Indonesia (1997) (7)
- Introduction: Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices (2012) (7)
- Understanding Adoption and Impacts of Conservation Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Review (2021) (7)
- Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes : a synthesis (2004) (6)
- Conclusions: Lessons for the path to a transformational REDD+ (2018) (6)
- Pay, talk or ‘whip’ to conserve forests: Framed field experiments in Zambia (2020) (6)
- Forests and climate change: a toolbox (2010) (5)
- The evolution of private property rights in traditional agriculture: Theories and a study from Indonesia (1997) (5)
- State - Local Community Games of Forest Land Appropriation (1997) (5)
- Replication Data for: Environmental income and rural livelihoods: a global comparative analysis (2017) (5)
- Forest cover and agricultural technology. (2001) (5)
- Individual choice under uncertainty (1993) (4)
- CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS) [Japanese] (2015) (4)
- Policies Drive Sub-National Forest Transitions in Vietnam (2020) (4)
- Crops in crises: Shocks shape smallholders' diversification in rural Ethiopia (2022) (4)
- On the Economics of Deforestation with Regional Panel Data Evidence from Tanzania (1998) (4)
- All You Need Is Cash (for REDD (2015) (3)
- The division of labour between village, household and other survey (2011) (3)
- Bridging the emission gap (2012) (3)
- How do REDD+ projects contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement? (2022) (3)
- Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices [Japanese] (2015) (3)
- Analysing the options and impacts of including REDD credits in carbon markets (2013) (3)
- Comparison between Irrigation Payment Systems and Probability of Using Water Saving Technology (2011) (2)
- Introduction: REDD+ enters its second decade (2018) (2)
- Evolucion de REDD (2013) (2)
- Enforcement and inequality in collective PES to reduce tropical deforestation: Effectiveness, efficiency and equity implications (2022) (2)
- An Integrated Socioeconomic Study of Deforestation in Western Uganda, 1990–2000 (2007) (2)
- Survival- versus opportunity-driven environmental reliance: Evidence from Uganda (2022) (2)
- Technological change and tropical deforestation : A theory overview (2001) (1)
- Scientists rebut NYTimes op-ed ‘To Save the Planet, Don’t Plant Trees’ (2014) (1)
- Does income inequality really influence subjective wellbeing? Evidence from 21 developing countries (2019) (1)
- Forest products for the poor, the rich or the middle class? Three cases from Indonesia (2004) (1)
- The paradox of household resource endowment and land productivity in Uganda (2009) (1)
- Participation, Anticipation Effects and Impact Perceptions of Two Collective Incentive-Based Conservation Interventions in Ucayali, Peru (2022) (1)
- David Kaimowitz and Arild Angelsen, Economic Models of Tropical DeforestationA Review, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia, 1998, ISBN 979876417X (2000) (1)
- Composing a research proposal (2011) (1)
- Facing Chinas limits. (1994) (1)
- A dual-track transition to global carbon pricing: the glass is half full (2020) (0)
- Subjective Wellbeing and Income: Empirical Patterns in the Rural Developing World (2015) (0)
- WP 1996 : 10 Debt and Deforestation : A Tenuous Link (0)
- [T. Egeland and colleagues reply]. (2015) (0)
- Macmod, a macroeconomic model for the Tanzanian economy (1998) (0)
- Summary ??? what's next? (2008) (0)
- Different Approaches in Modelling Agricultural Expansion (0)
- Does Income Inequality Influence Subjective Wellbeing? Evidence from 21 Developing Countries (2018) (0)
- PEN research questions and themes. (2008) (0)
- Can new technologies in agriculture save the forests (1999) (0)
- Technological Change and Tropical Deforestation: Theory (2000) (0)
- Severe and Very Severe Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME/CFS in Norway: Symptom Burden and Access to Care (2023) (0)
- Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices [Japanese]: Introduction (2015) (0)
- How to reduce the headache of REDD reference lines (2009) (0)
- - l Hard Methods for Soft Policies Environmental and Soeial Cost-Benefit Analysis (0)
- Developing REDD+ reference levels: a data-driven, stepwise framework (2012) (0)
- Evolution of farm-level crop diversification and response to rainfall shocks in smallholder farming: Evidence from Malawi and Tanzania (2023) (0)
- Replication Data for: Forest clearing in rural livelihoods: household-level global-comparative evidence (2017) (0)
- An Introduction to Data Analysis (2012) (0)
- Options for National REDD+ Architectures. Report from the Conference (29-31 May 2013) (2013) (0)
- [T. Egeland and colleagues reply]. (2015) (0)
- Tropical forests in poverty alleviation: from household data to global-comparative analysis. End of Award Report. (2011) (0)
- Opening Pandora's box? Technological change and deforestation (2002) (0)
- PEN: Status and future. (2008) (0)
- 18. Limited or Unlimited Wants in the Presence of Limited Means? The Role of Satiation in Deforestation (2004) (0)
- [Collaborated admission to a surgical department]. (2001) (0)
- Is Conservation Agriculture Climate- Smart, or Can It Be? A Synthesis From Sub-Saharan Africa (2019) (0)
- Contributing to the scientific literature Citation analysis of CIFOR publications (2005) (0)
- Remote sensing and statistical analysis as tools to understand forest livelihood strategies: poster presented at the International Conference on Data Management and Modelling Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Tropical Forest Land Inventory, Jakarta, Indone (1998) (0)
- 2 What is REDD ? 2 . 1 Focus on incentive mechanisms and tangible benefits (2012) (0)
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