Arne Kaijser
Swedish academic
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History Philosophy
Arne Kaijser's Degrees
- PhD History of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Masters Engineering Physics KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Why Is Arne Kaijser Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Arne Kaijser is a professor emeritus of history of technology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and a former president of the Society for the History of Technology. Kaijser has published two books in Swedish: Stadens ljus. Etableringen av de första svenska gasverken and I fädrens spår. Den svenska infrastrukturens historiska utveckling och framtida utmaningar, and has co-edited several anthologies. Kaijser is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences since 2007 and also a member of the editorial board of two scientific journals: Journal of Urban Technology and Centaurus. Lately, he has been occupied with the history of Large Technical Systems.
Arne Kaijser's Published Works
Published Works
- Climate change through the lens of intersectionality (2014) (361)
- Oxidative stability and lipid composition of macadamia nuts grown in New Zealand (2000) (139)
- System Building from Below: Institutional Change in Dutch Water Control Systems (2002) (88)
- Networking Europe : transnational infrastructures and the shaping of Europe, 1850-2000 (2006) (58)
- Redirecting Power: Swedish Nuclear Power Policies in Historical Perspective (1992) (49)
- The politics of electricity deregulation in Sweden: the art of acting on multiple arenas (2010) (36)
- Nordic Energy Systems: Historical Perspectives and Current Issues ed. by Arne Kaijser and Marika Hedin (1995) (35)
- City-building regimes in post-war Stockholm (2004) (33)
- The Making of Europe's Critical Infrastructure : Common Connections and Shared Vulnerabilities (2013) (28)
- Who is Marching for Pachamama? : An Intersectional Analysis of Environmental Struggles in Bolivia under the Government of Evo Morales (2014) (25)
- Europe’s Infrastructure Transition: Economy, War, Nature (2016) (23)
- The dynamics of technological systems integration : Water management, electricity supply, railroads and industrialization at the Göta Älv (2014) (21)
- Europe’s Infrastructure Transition (2015) (21)
- How to Describe Large Technical Systems and Their Changes over Time (2005) (19)
- Discrimination by Default : The post-colonial heritage of Urban water provision in east Africa (2009) (18)
- Industrialisering av älvar: Studier kring svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad 1900-1918@@@Industrialisering av alvar: Studier kring svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad 1900-1918 (1998) (15)
- Energy dependence in historical perspective: The geopolitics of smaller nations (2019) (15)
- Prologue and Introduction : Transnational Networks and the Shaping of Contemporary Europe (2006) (10)
- Industrialisering av alvar: Studier kring svensk vattenkraftutbyggnad 1900-1918 (review) (1998) (10)
- From Operations Research to Futures Studies: The Establishment, Diffusion, and Transformation of the Systems Approach in Sweden, 1945–1980 (2000) (10)
- Nuclear Installations at the Border. Transnational Connections and International Implications. An Introduction (2018) (9)
- The Trail from Trail: New Challenges for Historians of Technology (2011) (8)
- Networking Europe (2005) (7)
- Natural Gas in Cold War Europe: The Making of a Critical Infrastructure (2013) (7)
- Under the Damocles Sword: Managing Swedish energy dependence in the twentieth century (2019) (7)
- Redirecting infrasystems towards sustainability . What can we learn from history ? (6)
- Europe's critical infrastructure and its vulnerabilities - promises, problems, paradoxes (2013) (6)
- "The World's Worst Located Nuclear Power Plant": Danish and Swedish Cross-Border Perspectives on the Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant (2018) (5)
- Redirecting Infrasystems Towards Sustainability (2017) (5)
- Precursors of the IT Nation: Computer Use and Control in Swedish Society, 1955-1985 (2010) (4)
- Run for Your Life: Embodied Environmental Story-Telling and Citizenship on the Road to Paris (2019) (4)
- Solidarity Versus Security: Exploring Perspectives on Climate Induced Migration in UN and EU Policy (2021) (3)
- Social and ecological entrepreneurship in a circular economy: the need for understanding transitional agency (2019) (3)
- Who Gets to Know about Nature? Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services through an Intersectional Lens (2016) (3)
- Networking Europe review essay (2004) (2)
- Special Issue: Siting Nuclear Installations at the Border (2018) (2)
- [Skull fractures in children]. (1958) (2)
- Networking Europe research agenda (2004) (2)
- Europe's Infrastructure Vulnerabilities: Comparisons and Connections (2013) (2)
- Logistics of War (2015) (2)
- The Referendum that Preserved Nuclear Power and Five Other Critical Events in the History of Nuclear Power in Sweden (2020) (2)
- 1 Multidimensional Mobility – Politics of Place and People Merging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Environmental Migration (2009) (1)
- City lights: the establishment of the first Swedish gas-works (1990) (1)
- [Concussion and cerebral contusion]. (1955) (1)
- Natural Gas in Cold War Europe (2013) (1)
- [Gallstones in children]. (1954) (1)
- Changing the System Culture: Mobilizing the Social Sciences in the Swedish Nuclear Waste System (2020) (1)
- A description of yrast levels in spherical nuclei with an exactly solvable model (1973) (1)
- A Tribute to the Memory of Brita Åkerman and Carin Boalt (2013) (1)
- Swedish energy imports in the 20th century : The geopolitics of a small nation (2013) (0)
- Networked Food Economy (2015) (0)
- Sammelbesprechung (2020) (0)
- Linking systems, crossing borders (2001) (0)
- Under a Common Acid Sky. Negotiating Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe : Negotiating Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe (2013) (0)
- City Lights: The Establishment of the First Swedish Gasworks (1988) (0)
- Socially Constructed and Society Shaping: Investigating Characteristics of Technological Systems for Technology Education (2022) (0)
- A research approach for understanding the development of infrastructural systems (1993) (0)
- Driving on wood: the Swedish transition to wood gas during World War Two (2021) (0)
- Introduction: Chevalier’s Dream (2015) (0)
- The future as history - Swedish Energy Futures Studies in Perspective (2007) (0)
- Natural Gas in Cold War Europe : The Making of a Critical Transnational Infrastructu re (0)
- When the grid became smart (2010) (0)
- Tom Hughes—International Scholar (2014) (0)
- Prologue and introduction: transnational infrastructures and the shaping of contemporary Europe (2006) (0)
- Water Management, Electricity Supply, Railroads and Industrialization at the Göta Älv: The Dynamics of Systems that Integrate Various Societal Functions (2011) (0)
- Manipulating Space & Time (2015) (0)
- 14 Combatting “Acid Rain”: Protecting the Common European Sky (2021) (0)
- The Geopolitics of Energy : Swedish International Dependencies in a Historical Perspective (2012) (0)
- Iceland Imagined: Nature, Culture, and Storytelling in the North Atlantic (review) (2012) (0)
- Europeâs Infrastructure Vulnerabilities (2013) (0)
- Comparisons and Connections (2013) (0)
- Nature's Periphery : Rural Transformation by the Advent of Infrasystems (2006) (0)
- Under the Damocles Sword : Coal import and the fear of energy shortage in Sweden (2013) (0)
- The Use of Computers for Controlling Electricity Flows in Sweden, 1950-1980 (2010) (0)
- [Management of gunshot wounds of the brain and cranium]. (1955) (0)
- [Mortality in combined abortion and sterilization]. (1952) (0)
- Acculturation Plan: Learn Dutch food (2012) (0)
- Development cooperation as an arena for discursive clashes (2010) (0)
- [Diagnosis of cranial injuries]. (1956) (0)
- [Simplification in treatment planning]. (1973) (0)
- [Cortisone treatment & surgical risk]. (1958) (0)
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