Arthur G. Bedeian
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American business theorist
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Arthur G. Bedeian's Degrees
- PhD Management Louisiana State University
- Masters Management Louisiana State University
- Bachelors Management Louisiana State University
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Why Is Arthur G. Bedeian Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Arthur G. Bedeian is an American business theorist and Emeritus Professor of Management at Louisiana State University, known from his book coauthored with Daniel A. Wren, titled "The evolution of management thought."
Arthur G. Bedeian's Published Works
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Published Works
- Organizational Change: A Review of Theory and Research in the 1990s (1999) (1510)
- Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict Among Married Male and Female Professionals (1988) (472)
- Career Commitment: Construction of a Measure and Examination of Its Psychometric Properties. (1994) (468)
- A path-analytic study of the consequences of role conflict and ambiguity. (1981) (361)
- Work experiences, job performance, and feelings of personal and family well-being (1987) (349)
- Breaking the Silence: The Moderating Effects of Self‐Monitoring in Predicting Speaking Up in the Workplace (2003) (343)
- Age, tenure, and job satisfaction: A tale of two perspectives (1992) (325)
- Job Burnout and Employee Engagement (2012) (278)
- Leader-follower exchange quality: the role of personal and interpersonal attributes. (1994) (265)
- On the Use of the Coefficient of Variation as a Measure of Diversity (2000) (254)
- Career commitment and expected utility of present job as predictors of turnover intentions and turnover behavior (1991) (231)
- Publish or perish: academic life as management faculty live it (2011) (213)
- Peer Review and the Social Construction of Knowledge in the Management Discipline (2004) (206)
- Development and construct validation of a career entrenchment measure (1995) (188)
- Management Science on the Credibility Bubble: Cardinal Sins and Various Misdemeanors (2010) (183)
- Outcomes of role stress: a multisample constructive replication. (1985) (175)
- A comparison of LISREL and two-stage least squares analysis of a hypothesized life–job satisfaction reciprocal relationship. (1982) (167)
- Academic amnesia and vestigial assumptions of our forefathers. (2006) (143)
- The Role of Top Management Teams in Formulating and Implementing Turnaround Strategies: A Review and Research Agenda (2004) (141)
- Equity Sensitivity: Construction of a Measure and Examination of Its Psychometric Properties (2000) (137)
- The Manuscript Review Process (2003) (132)
- Simple Question, Not So Simple Answer: Interpreting Interaction Terms in Moderated Multiple Regression (1994) (131)
- Work and Family Variables as Mediators of the Relationship Between Wives' Employment and Husbands' Well-Being (1989) (129)
- Role stress, physical symptomatology, and turnover intentions: A causal analysis of three alternative specifications (1987) (128)
- Even if the Tower Is “Ivory,” It Isn't “White:” Understanding the Consequences of Faculty Cynicism. (2007) (126)
- Cross-Level Inference and Organizational Research: Perspectives on Interpretation and Application (1983) (119)
- Linking workplace incivility to citizenship performance: The combined effects of affective commitment and conscientiousness (2012) (118)
- A Conspectus of Management Control Theory: 1900-1972 (1974) (116)
- Doctoral Degree Prestige and the Academic Marketplace: A Study of Career Mobility Within the Management Discipline (2010) (113)
- The foundations of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory (2002) (112)
- Dispersion-Composition Models in Multilevel Research (2011) (108)
- Scientific Achievement and Editorial Board Membership (2009) (107)
- Predicting Job Performance Across Organizations: The Interaction of Work Orientation and Psychological Climate (1991) (104)
- The Measurement Equivalence of Web-Based and Paper-and-Pencil Measures of Transformational Leadership (2006) (104)
- Role perceptions, satisfaction, and performance: moderating effects of self-esteem and organizational level. (1981) (101)
- The Impact of Purpose On Rating Quality and User Acceptance (1991) (94)
- Leadership consensus as a cross-level contextual moderator of the emotional exhaustion–work commitment relationship☆ (2007) (91)
- Developing and Testing a Dynamic Model of Workplace Incivility Change (2017) (82)
- The cesspool syndrome: How dreck floats to the top of declining organizations (1998) (81)
- Group process-work outcome relationships: a note on the moderating impact of self-esteem. (1982) (80)
- Personality Similarity and Work-Related Outcomes among African-American Nursing Personnel: A Test of the Supplementary Model of Person-Environment Congruence. (1995) (79)
- Most influential management books of the 20th Century (2001) (79)
- Linking leader behavior and leadership consensus to team performance: Integrating direct consensus and dispersion models of group composition (2011) (77)
- An Empirical Investigation of Self-Appraisal-Based Performance Evaluation (1987) (66)
- Organizations: Theory and Design (1991) (63)
- Can chameleons lead (2004) (61)
- Expectancy-Based Job Cognitions and Job Affect as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors1 (1996) (61)
- .05: A Case of the Tail Wagging the Distribution (1989) (60)
- Test-Retest Reliability and Internal Consistency of Short-Form of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory (1977) (60)
- Work Alienation as an Individual‐Difference Construct for Predicting Workplace Adjustment: A Test in Two Samples1 (2000) (59)
- The Journal of Management's First 30 Years (2006) (58)
- Exploring the past (1998) (57)
- Job Performance and Turnover Decisions: Two Field Studies (1988) (54)
- The Relationship between Role Stress and Job-Related, Interpersonal, and Organizational Climate Factors (1981) (54)
- Mitigating risks, visible hans, inevitable disasters, and soft variables: Management research that matters to managers (2003) (53)
- Correcting for Measurement Error Attenuation in Structural Equation Models: Some Important Reminders (1997) (53)
- Mountains Out of Molehills? Tests of the Mediating Effects of Self‐Esteem in Predicting Workplace Complaining1 (2005) (52)
- The Gift of Professional Maturity (2004) (52)
- Personality as Predictor of Work‐Related Outcomes: Test of a Mediated Latent Structural Model1 (1998) (51)
- Intended Turnover as a Function of Age and Job Performance (1989) (51)
- Organizations, theory and analysis (1980) (49)
- Management Laureates: A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (1996) (49)
- The Dean's Disease: How the Darker Side of Power Manifests Itself in the Office of Dean (2002) (48)
- Contemporary Challenges in the Study of Organizations (1986) (47)
- A History of the Span of Management (1977) (44)
- Suicide and occupation: A review (1982) (44)
- Academic Stratification In Graduate Management Programs: Departmental Prestige and Faculty Hiring Patterns (1980) (40)
- Job-content Perceptions, Performance–reward Expectancies, and Absenteeism among Low-wage Public-sector Clerical Employees (2002) (38)
- Choice and determinism: A comment (1990) (37)
- Difference Scores: Rationale, Formulation, and Interpretation (1994) (36)
- The measurement and conceptualization of career stages (1991) (36)
- Employee performance evaluations: Note Effects of ratee age, rater age, and rater gender (1989) (35)
- The Role of Metaphors in Organizational Change (1992) (33)
- Role Perception-Outcome Relationships: Moderating Effects of Situational Variables (1983) (31)
- Attitudes versus actions: Lapiere's (1934) classic study revisited (1989) (30)
- Job-related perceptions of male and female government, industrial, and public accountants (1984) (29)
- The Significance of Congruence Coefficients: A Comment and Statistical Test (1988) (28)
- Individual Propensities for Emotional Supportiveness within a Dual Career Context: Work and Non‐work Reactions (1986) (27)
- The Taylorization of Lenin: rhetoric or reality? (2004) (26)
- Thoughts on the Making and Remaking of the Management Discipline (1996) (26)
- Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries (2005) (26)
- Improving the journal review process: The question of ghostwriting. (1996) (25)
- The Accountant's Stereotype: An Update for Vocational Counselors. (1986) (25)
- Work climate and Type A status as predictors of job satisfaction: A test of the interactional perspective (1991) (25)
- An Evaluation of the Response Format and Scale Structure of the Job Diagnostic Survey (1979) (24)
- 'More than Meets the Eye': A Guide to Interpreting the Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrices Reported in Management Research (2014) (23)
- Lessons Learned along the Way: Twelve Suggestions for Optimizing Career Success (1996) (22)
- Evolution of Management Thought (1972) (22)
- Decimal Dust, Significant Digits, and the Search for Stars (2009) (22)
- The Perils of Success in the Workplace: Comparison Target Responses to Coworkers' Upward Comparison Threat (2009) (22)
- Some Evidence Relating to Convergent Validity of Form B of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory (1977) (21)
- On Using Regression Coefficients to Interpret Moderator Effects (1990) (20)
- The Measurement and Control of Beta Change (1980) (20)
- The roles of self-esteem and n achievement in aspiring to prestigious vocations (1977) (16)
- Survey Research Measurement Issues in Evaluating Change : A Laboratory Investigation (1986) (15)
- Scientific Management and Stakhanovism in the Soviet Union: A Historical Perspective (1990) (15)
- The Employee Separation Process: Criterion-Related Issues Associated with Tenure and Turnover (1989) (14)
- Human Resource Considerations in Textile Work Redesign (1977) (14)
- Rater Characteristics Affecting the Validity of Performance Appraisals (1976) (14)
- Research Issues in OD Evaluation: Past, Present, and Future (1983) (13)
- Assessing Group Change Under Conditions of Anonymity and Overlapping Samples (2002) (13)
- An Examination of Intraoccupational Differences: Personality, Perceived Work Climate, and Outcome Preferences. (1985) (13)
- Testing for cross‐level interactions: An empirical demonstration (1989) (13)
- "Life Could Be a Dream": What US-Based Management PhD Students Desire in an Initial Academic Appointment. (2011) (13)
- Promise and Prospects (1989) (12)
- Replication Requisites: A Second Look at Klenke-Hamel and Mathieu (1990) (1992) (12)
- Individual Differences in Self-Perception and the Job-Life Satisfaction Relationship (1979) (11)
- Relation of Sex to Perceived Legitimacy of Organizational Influence. (1976) (11)
- Relationship of Need Achievement to Self-Esteem: Evidence for Validity of Form B of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory (1976) (11)
- Group Interactional Processes: Individual and Group Level Effects (1983) (11)
- Balancing Authorial Voice and Editorial Omniscience: The “It’s My Paper and I’ll Say What I Want To” versus “Ghostwriters in the Sky” Minuet (2008) (11)
- Birth order and selected work-related personality variables. (1988) (10)
- Issues in the dimensional structure of career entrenchment (2002) (10)
- Repetitive work: Contrast and conflict (1991) (10)
- Planning for Organizational Intervention: The Importance of Existing Socio-Psychological Situations in Organizational Diagnosis (1979) (10)
- Work-related motives and self-esteem in American women. (1978) (9)
- The Measurement and Control of Beta Change. (1980) (9)
- ``Circle the Wagons and Defend the Faith'' (2009) (9)
- Dispersion-Composition Models in Multilevel Research: A Data-Analytic Framework (2010) (8)
- A Program for Computing Fisher's Exact Probability Test and the Coefficient of Association λ for n × m Contingency Tables (1977) (8)
- Management History Thought (1976) (8)
- The managerial experience: Cases, exercises, and readings (1980) (8)
- On the Measurement and Control of Beta Change: Reply to Terborg, Maxwell, and Howard (1982) (8)
- Personality Correlates of Role Stress (1980) (8)
- People, Places, and Life Transitions: Consequential Experiences in the Lives of Management Laureates (2006) (7)
- Male‐female differences in perceived organizational legitimacy (1975) (7)
- Dyadic Duration and the Performance-Satisfaction Relationship: A Contextual Perspective 1 (1994) (7)
- A note on the aphorism “there is nothing as practical as a good theory” (2016) (6)
- The Fred Taylor baseball myth: a son goes to bat for his father (2008) (6)
- C. Bertrand Thompson and management consulting in Europe, 1917-1934 (2015) (6)
- A Historical Review of Efforts in the Area of Management Semantics (1974) (6)
- The Journal of Management’s First 40 Years (2016) (6)
- Correlations between Age and California Psychological Inventory Scale Scores (1988) (5)
- A standardization of selected management concepts (1986) (5)
- From boardroom to bunker: How Fred Taylor changed the game of golf forever (2007) (5)
- The Systematic Distortion Hypothesis: A Confirmatory Test of the Implicit Covariance and General Impression Models (1995) (5)
- A Comparison and Analysis of German and United States Managerial Attitudes Toward the Legitimacy of Organizational Influence (1975) (5)
- PMS and the Workplace. (1989) (5)
- Individual need states and their influence on perceptions of leader behavior (1980) (4)
- The Übermensch meets the “One Best Way” (2009) (4)
- The Effects of Anonymity Versus Identified But Confidential Response Conditions In Organizational Research (1975) (4)
- Organizations: Theory and Analysis : Text and Cases (1983) (4)
- Sex-Role Orientation: Effect on Self-Esteem, Need Achievement and Internality in College Females (1977) (3)
- Frederick W. Taylor, J. Maunsell White III, and the Matthew Effect (1996) (3)
- Critical Moments in Learning (2007) (3)
- The Serial Transmission Effect: Implications for Academe (1986) (3)
- Issues in Evaluation Research for the OD Practitioner. (1982) (3)
- Reflections on the field of organizational behavior (1990) (2)
- Understanding Antonio Gramsci's Ambiguous Legacy (1990) (2)
- Management Laureates : A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (Volume 4) (2018) (2)
- Frank B. Gilbreth, Walter C. Camp and the World of Sports (2012) (2)
- Management Laureates : A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (Volume 3) (2018) (2)
- Relationship in Organization: a Clarification (1972) (2)
- Characteristics of Professionals in Public Accounting Firms (1990) (1)
- Understanding Goal Setting: an in-Class Experiment (1988) (1)
- Achieving diversity: hidden assumptions. (2002) (1)
- PMS in the workplace: Myth or method? (1998) (1)
- Management Laureates : A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (Volume 5) (2018) (1)
- Maternal Expectancies for Achievement, IQ, and Autonomous Achievement Motivation in Kindergarten Children (1982) (1)
- The accountant's stereotype: a look back at Granleese and Barrett (1990) (1997) (0)
- Managerial perspectives of the shorter workweek in Georgia manufacturing firms (1974) (0)
- An Interactionist Perspective on Organisational Adaptation (1987) (0)
- Born to Be An Editor: Tales of A Right Brain, Defrocked Engineer (2018) (0)
- Construct labeling: public trust and scientific credibility (2015) (0)
- Stumbling Into Organizational Behavior (2018) (0)
- Equity Preference Questionnaire (2018) (0)
- Celebrating Work: A Job Unfinished (2018) (0)
- Management Laureates : A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (Volume 6) (2018) (0)
- Construct Proliferation Job Burnout and Employee Engagement : A Meta-Analytic Examination of (2012) (0)
- Obituary: William B. Wolf (1920-2009) (2010) (0)
- Parental Leave: New Challenge in the U.S. Workplace (1987) (0)
- Editorial Board (2013) (0)
- The Function of Controlling (2018) (0)
- Strategist Without A Plan: An Academic Life Considered (2018) (0)
- Finding Myself in the Right Place At The Right Time, But Not Always (2018) (0)
- Concluding Statement (1994) (0)
- Superior – subordinate Role Perception (1972) (0)
- Riding Into the Sunset on A Thoroughbred (2018) (0)
- The Function of Organizing (2018) (0)
- Socio-Psychological Situations in Organizational Diagnosis Planning for Organizational Intervention : The Importance of Existing (2006) (0)
- C. Bertrand Thompson: A Remarkable Man (2013) (0)
- The Function of Planning (2018) (0)
- The Richard M. Hodgetts Award: Arthur G. Bedeian (2006) (0)
- A Note on the Role of Theory in management (2018) (0)
- And Fate Walked In (2018) (0)
- CDW: The Persistent Historian, Researcher and Debunker (2017) (0)
- Knowing Oneself: an Exercise in Perceptual Accuracy (1987) (0)
- Summary, Recommendations And Conclusion (2018) (0)
- Design for Whom? Power for What?@@@Control and Ideology in Organizations.@@@Decentralization: Sketches Toward a Rational Theory.@@@Organization Theory: An Integrated Approach.@@@Organizations: Structure and Behavior.@@@Organizations: Theory and Analysis. (1983) (0)
- Instructor's manual to accompany organizations : theory and analysis (1980) (0)
- “It’s All About LMXs, Stupid”: Collect High-Quality Data, Follow It, Trust LMXs, and Always Seek Serendipity (2018) (0)
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