Asa Gray
Most Influential Person Across History
American botanist
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Asa Gray's Degrees
- Doctorate Botany University of Pennsylvania
Why Is Asa Gray Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Asa Gray is considered the most important American botanist of the 19th century. His Darwiniana was considered an important explanation of how religion and science were not necessarily mutually exclusive. Gray was adamant that a genetic connection must exist between all members of a species. He was also strongly opposed to the ideas of hybridization within one generation and special creation in the sense of its not allowing for evolution. He was a strong supporter of Darwin, although Gray's theistic evolution was guided by a Creator.
Asa Gray's Published Works
Published Works
- Flora of North America (1878) (333)
- Darwin on the origin of species (1860) (122)
- Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism (59)
- Gray's new manual of botany (50)
- The variation of animals and plants under domestication / by Charles Darwin ; authorized edition, with a preface by Asa Gray. (45)
- The vegetation of the Rocky Mountain region, and a comparison with that of other parts of the world, (41)
- Contributions to North American Botany (1882) (39)
- Contributions to the Botany of North America (30)
- Gray's new manual of botany (7th ed.--illustrated) (29)
- Miscellaneous Botanical Contributions (26)
- A natural system of botany, or a systematic view of the organization, natural affinities, and geographical distribution of the whole vegetable kingdom; together with the uses of the most important species in medicine, the arts, (24)
- The natural history of Washington territory (21)
- Ranunculus (1882) (20)
- New manual of botany. (20)
- Five Hundred and Eighty-Fourth Meeting. June 11, 1867. Adjourned Statute Meeting; Characters of New Plants of California and Elsewhere, Principally of Those Collected by H. N. Bolander in the State Geological Survey (19)
- A Conspectus of the North American Hydrophyllaceæ (18)
- Plantae Wrightianae texano-neo-mexicanae : (18)
- Plantae Wrightianae e Cuba orientali (15)
- Report upon the Colorado River of the West (14)
- Natural selection not inconsistent with natural theology (14)
- Dr. Siebold, Flora Japonica : sectio prima. Plantas ornatui vel usui inservientes : digessit Dr. J. G. Zuccarini : fasc. 1-10, fol (10)
- Botanical Contributions (1879) (9)
- Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. By Asa Gray ... (7)
- Scientific Papers of Asa Gray (7)
- Contributions to American Botany (7)
- Five Hundred and Twenty-Seventh Meeting. November 11, 1863. Statute Meeting; On Streptanthus, Nutt., and the Plants Which Have Been Referred to That Genus; A Revision and Arrangement (Mainly by the Fruit) of the North American Species of Astragalus and Oxytropis (7)
- Notes on Compositæ and Characters of Certain Genera and Species (7)
- Contributions to the Botany of North America (Continued); A Synopsis of the North American Thistles; Notes on Borraginaceœ; Synopsis of North American Species of Physalis; Characters of Various New Species (7)
- Gray's new manual of botany, a handbook of the flowering plants and ferns of the central and northeastern United States and adjacent Canada, rearranged and extensively revised by Benjamin Lincoln Robinson ... and Merritt Lyndon Fernald ... (7)
- III. A short Exposition of the Structure of the Ovule and Seed‐coats of Magnolia. (1858) (6)
- Diagnostic characters of new species of phaenogamous plants collected in Japan by Charles Wright. With observations upon the relations of the Japanese flora to that of North America and of other parts of the Northern temperate zone (6)
- Plantæ Novæ Thurberianæ: The Characters of Some New Genera and Species of Plants in a Collection Made by George Thurber, Esq., of the Late Mexican Boundary Commission, Chiefly in New Mexico and Sonora (6)
- Plantae Wrightianae texano-neo-mexicanae :an account of a collection of plants made by Charles Wright ... /Asa Gray. (6)
- The Genus Asimina (1886) (5)
- Characters of Some Little-Known or New Genera of Plants (4)
- Sir William Robert Grove (1896) (4)
- Enumeration of the plants of Dr. Parry's collection in the Rocky Mountains in 1861 (1862) (4)
- The elements of botany : for beginners and for schools ; Manual of the botany of the Northern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee (4)
- Scientific Worthies (4)
- Self-fertilisation of Plants (1876) (4)
- Enumeration of the Species of Plants Collected by Dr. C. C. Parry, and Messrs. Elihu Hall and J. P. Harbour, during the Summer and Autumn of 1862, on and near the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado Territory, lat. 39°-41° (4)
- Burs in the Borage Family (1876) (3)
- Essay Toward a Revision of Dodecatheon (1886) (3)
- Remarks concerning the flora of North America (1882) (3)
- Natural Selection and Natural Theology (3)
- The botanical works of the late George Engelmann (3)
- Sequoia and Its History (1872) (3)
- The Musci And Hepaticae Of The United States East Of The Mississippi River (3)
- Neviusia, a new genus of Rosaceae (2)
- Contributions to North American botany. 1. Studies of Aster and Solidago in the older herbaria. [2. Novitiae Arizonicae, etc.: characters of the new plants of certain recent collections, mainly in Arizona and adjacent districts. (2)
- More About Lobelias (1878) (2)
- Notices of European herbaria, particularly those most interesting to the North American botanist (2)
- XXV.—Do varieties wear out, or tend to wear out? (1875) (2)
- Synoptical flora of North America : the Gamopetalae, a second edition of vol. I, pt. II, and vol. II, pt. I / collected by Asa Gray. (2)
- Memoranda of a Revision of the North American Violets. I (1886) (2)
- A New Species of Erythronium (1871) (2)
- Characters of a new Genus consisting of two Species of Parasitic Gentianeæ. (1869) (2)
- VIII.—Species considered as to variation, geographical distribution, and succession (1863) (2)
- Delphinium, an Attempt to Distinguish the North American Species (1887) (2)
- The Germination of the Genus Megarrhiza, Torr (1877) (2)
- Field, forest, and garden "Botany" : a simple introduction to the common plants of the United States, both wild and cultivated (2)
- How plants grow... / by Asa Gray (1)
- Revision of the Genus Symphoricarpus. (1873) (1)
- Our Wild Gooseberries (1876) (1)
- General catalogue of the plants collected on the expedition (1)
- On the Genus Croomia, and Its Place in the Natural System (1)
- Six Hundred and Forty-First Meeting. February 13, 1872. Adjourned Stated Meeting; Botanical Contributions (1)
- Characters of Ancistrophora, a New Genus of the Order Compositæ, Recently Detected by Charles Wright, Esq. in the Eastern Part of Cuba (1)
- A Revision of the North American Species of the Genus Oxytropis, DC (1)
- Plantae Wrightianae e Cuba orientali /A. Grisebach. (1)
- Botanical necrology of 1885 (1886) (1)
- Littorella and Schizæa in Nova Scotia (1880) (1)
- Epipactis Helleborine, var. Viridens (E. viridiflora, Reichenbach) a North American Plant (1879) (1)
- Antirrhina prehensilia (1884) (1)
- Robert Brown and Sprengel (1874) (1)
- Vaccinium Macrocarpon, var. Intermedium (1879) (1)
- Memoranda of a Revision of the North American Violets. II (1886) (1)
- Outlines of Botany: For the High School Laboratory and Classroom (1)
- List of a collection of dried plants made by L.J. Xantus, at Fort Tejon, and vicinity, California, near lat. 35⁰, and long. 119⁰, 1857-8 / (1)
- Gray's Lessons in Botany And Vegetable Physiology (1)
- Some North American Botanists. IV. John Eatton LeConte (1883) (1)
- Account of the botanical specimens (1)
- New or Rare Plants (1888) (1)
- Food of the Mastodon (1847) (1)
- Charles Christopher Parry letters to Asa Gray (1)
- Plantae Lindheimerianae : an enumeration of F. Lindheimer's collection of Texan plants, with remarks and descriptions of new species, etc. / by George Engelmann and Asa Gray. (1)
- Mesembrianthemum, not Mesembryanthemum (1880) (1)
- Vancouveria (1886) (1)
- Gray, Asa undated Wright Rio Grande plants (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 5, 1863 [to Daniel Oliver] (1863) (0)
- John Macoun letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Parishella Californica (1882) (0)
- The Most Arctic Timber (1879) (0)
- Notes on Some North American Species of Saxifraga (0)
- Gray, Asa June 10, 1874 [to George E. Davenport] (1874) (0)
- Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 14, 1841 [to Benjamin D. Greene] (0)
- John Howard Redfield letters to Asa Gray (0)
- The Genera Plantarum of Bentham and Hooker (1879) (0)
- No. IV, Upper Canada. Plan of Niagara River (0)
- Botanic contributions relating to the flora of western North America [by] Gray, Engelmann, Torrey [and] Frémont. (0)
- Common and Troublesome Weeds Near Santa Barbara, Cal (1879) (0)
- Notes on Grasses of the California State Survey (0)
- Corydalis aurea and Its Allies (1886) (0)
- William Marriot Canby letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa July 1839 [to George Bentham] [transcript] (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 17, 1865 [to Daniel Oliver] (1865) (0)
- Gray, Asa June 15, 1870 [to Merritt C. Fernald] (1870) (0)
- Notes on the history of Helianthus tuberosus, the so-called Jerusalem artichoke (1877) (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 11, 1874 [to Joseph Henry] (0)
- Notes on Myosurus (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 7, 1857 [to John P. Brace] (0)
- The elements of botany for beginners and for schools / by Asa Gray. (0)
- Asa Gray correspondence. (0)
- Gray, Asa undated [to Sereno Watson] (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 16, 1883 [to Isabella B. James] (1883) (0)
- No. V. Upper Canada. Plan of Niagara (0)
- Note on Nemacladus, Nutt. (1873) (0)
- On scientific nomenclature (1864) (0)
- Revision of the Erigoneae (0)
- Gray, Asa Aug. 21, [18--] [to Paul Allen] (0)
- Who Finds White Partridge-Berries? (1879) (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 20, 1862 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 19, 1885 [to George E. Davenport] (0)
- Githopsis (1882) (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 14, 1862 [to Daniel Oliver] (1862) (0)
- John Donnell Smith letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa [1846] [to Samuel Batchelder] (0)
- Gray, Asa May 14, 1852 [to unknown] (1852) (0)
- William Darlington letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa May 1, 1880 [to George E. Davenport] [copy] (1880) (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 24, 1868 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Gray, Asa July 21, 1863 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- "Carnivorous Plants" (1879) (0)
- The British Moss-Flora (1881) (0)
- George Thurber letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 24, 1866 [to Joseph Henry] (1867) (0)
- The Arillus in Asimina (1886) (0)
- William Jackson Hooker letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Dr. Gray's Letter to the Botanical Club (1886) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 14, 1857 [to John P. Brace] (0)
- George Frederick Christian Röding letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Aug. 3, 1855 [to John P. Brace] (1855) (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 8, 1871 [to Daniel Oliver] (1871) (0)
- Michael Schuck Bebb letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Aug. 1, [1872] [to Paul Allen] (1872) (0)
- Gray, Asa Mar. 17, 1867 [to Joseph Henry] (0)
- Botany. By W. H. Brewer, Sereno Watson, and Asa Gray. (0)
- Ghiesbrecht Plants Received June 1873 (with letter from John Gilbert Baker to Asa Gray (0)
- Botany : I. Lower Cryptogamia. II. Phanerogamia of the Pacific Coast of North America. (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 18, 1868 [to Joseph Henry] (0)
- The Dichogamy of Spigelia Marilandica (1879) (0)
- Allen Hirum Curtiss letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Aug. 15, 1867 [to Ivison (Publishers)] (1867) (0)
- John Carey letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Coptis, Section Chrysocoptis (1887) (0)
- Notes on Bolander's Collections in Sets (0)
- Current Literature (1894) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 2, 1864 [to Paul Allen] (1864) (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 18, 1869 [to Joseph Henry] (0)
- John Torrey : a biographical notice (0)
- Elias Durand letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Duplicate Corolla of Campanula (1879) (0)
- Seeds Wanted (1886) (0)
- Nomenclature in Atlantic U. S. Polypetalæ (1879) (0)
- Gray, Asa undated annotated memorandum (0)
- Report on the botany of the expedition /by John Torrey and Asa Gray. (0)
- Henry Nicholas Bolander letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Six Hundred and Sixteenth Meeting. January 26, 1870. Statute Meeting; A Revision of the Eriogoneœ (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 22, [1862] [to Charles L. Brace] (1862) (0)
- Thomas Potts James letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Plucheas (1882) (0)
- Glue for the Herbarium (1879) (0)
- Daniel Oliver letters to Asa Gray (0)
- On hypocotyledonary gemmation (1871) (0)
- Gray, Jane L. and Asa July 23, 1881 (1881) (0)
- The Botanical Text-Book, 6th Edition, Part I, Structural Botany (1879) (0)
- Gray, Asa undated note (0)
- Plant lists, Mexico, (0)
- Charles Darwin letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Note on a regular dimerous flower of Cypripedium candidum (1866) (0)
- List of the Plants Growing Wild in Dallas County, Texas / (0)
- Edward Lee Greene letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Botanical contributions. 1865. (0)
- Gray, Asa undated [to Jane Gray] (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 2, 1866 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Joseph Dalton Hooker letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Oct. 21 [no year] [to Charles Wilkes] (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 10, 1871 [to Daniel Oliver] (1872) (0)
- Gray, Asa Feb. 14, 1883 [to Friedrich W. Klatt] (1883) (0)
- William Thompson letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Kate Barnes letters to Asa Gray (0)
- The Genus Leavenworthia (1880) (0)
- Gray, Asa Oct. 13, 1877 [to Joseph Henry] (1873) (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 4, 1865 [to Isabella B. James] (0)
- Daniel Cady Eaton letters to Asa Gray (0)
- ASA GRAY. (0)
- Alphonse de Candolle letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Scientific Worthies (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 24, 1886 [to William Brewster] (1886) (0)
- Augustus Fendler letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Note on the parasitism of Comandra umbellata, Nutt (1853) (0)
- Botanical Contributions (1880) (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 22, 1868 [to Joseph Henry] (0)
- Gray, Asa May 9, 1872 (1872) (0)
- John Ball letters to Asa Gray (0)
- George Vasey letters to Asa Gray (0)
- The Two Wayside Plantains (1878) (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 29, 1864 [to Paul Allen] (1864) (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 31, 1883 [to Isabella B. James] (0)
- Asa Gray correspondence.Senders McA-Ma, (0)
- Note on the Species of Nissolia. (1860) (0)
- Synopsis of Proceedings Texas State Med. Ass’n. (1891) (0)
- Gerardia tenuifolia, Vahl, var. Asperula (1879) (0)
- Plant lists : Puerto Rico. (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 12, 1876 [to Joseph Henry] (1876) (0)
- Six Hundred and Twenty Second Meeting. June 14, 1870. Adjourned Annual Meeting; Reconstruction of the Order Diapensiaceœ; Revision of the North American Polemoniaceœ; Miscellaneous Botanical Notes and Characters (0)
- The Elements of Physics (1897) (0)
- Plantae Wrightianae, Fendler and Lindheimer, continued, (0)
- Sullivant's Icones Muscorum, or Figures and Descriptions of Most of Those Mosses Peculiar to North America, Which Have Not Yet Been Figured (1875) (0)
- Genera Floræ Americæ Boreali-Orientalis : illustrat = The genera of the plants of the United States : illustrated (0)
- Four Hundred and Sixty-Ninth Meeting. September 13, 1859. Monthly Meeting; Notes upon Some Rubiaceœ, Collected in the South Sea Exploring Expedition under Captain Wilkes; Notes upon Some Polynesian Plants of the Order Loganiaceœ (0)
- Botany for young people and common schools : how plants grow : a simple introduction to structural botany : with a popular flora, or, an arrangement and description of common plants, both wild and cultivated / (0)
- Natural Selection and Natural Theology (0)
- Outlines of botany for the high school laboratory and classroom (based on Gray's Lessons in botany) Prepared at the request of the Botanical Dept. of Harvard University. (0)
- Natural Selection and Natural Theology (0)
- Botany for young people and common schools How plants grow, a simple introduction to structural botany (0)
- Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands. No. 4. A. Notes upon the plants collected on the Commander Islands (Bering and Copper Islands) by Leonhard Stejneger (0)
- VII.—Sequoia and its history (0)
- Notes (1874) (0)
- LeConte's Geology (1878) (0)
- List of plants collected by Emanuel Samuels, in Sonoma County, California, in 1856. (0)
- Plantae novae Thurberiane (0)
- Introduction to structural and systematic botany and vegetable physiology : being a 5th and rev. ed. of The botanical textbook, illustrated with over thirteen hundred woodcuts / by Asa Gray. (0)
- Botanical contributions. 1865. [Characters of some new plants of California and Nevada, chiefly from the collections of Professor William H. Brewer, Botanist of the State Geological Survey of California, and of Dr. Charles L. Ander (0)
- Chloris Boreali-Americana: Illustrations of New, Rare, or Otherwise Interesting North American Plants, Selected Chiefly from Those Recently Brought into Cultivation at the Botanic Garden of Harvard University, Cambridge (0)
- Characters of some new genera of plants, mostly from Porynesia, in the collection of the United States exploring expedition (0)
- Notes and News (1883) (0)
- Gray, Asa Oct. 27, 1862 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 20, 1855 [to John P. Brace] (1855) (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 10, 1866 [to Samuel Batchelder] (0)
- The Genus Iris (1887) (0)
- Leo Lesquereux letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 22, 1866 [to Daniel Oliver] (1866) (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 1848 [no year] [to unknown] (1848) (0)
- Moses Ashley Curtis letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Feb. 21, 1877 [to Joseph Henry] (1877) (0)
- The Beheading of Flies by Mentzelia Ornata (1879) (0)
- A Chinese puzzle by Linnæus (0)
- Asa Gray's Letter to Joseph Henry (December 6, 1852) (1852) (0)
- Reynosia Latifolia, Griseb (1879) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 26, 1870 [to Paul Allen] (1870) (0)
- Charles Wilkins Short letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Ferdinand von Mueller letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa [1875] plant description (0)
- Tennessee Plants (1880) (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 27, 1883 [to Michael S. Bebb] (0)
- Botanical Contributions (1878) (0)
- Gray, Asa Feb. 10 [no year] [Gray to G. P. Putnam & Co.] (0)
- Gray, Asa June 4, 1872 (1872) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 6, 1863 [to Charles L. Brace] (1863) (0)
- Edward Tuckerman letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 17, 1878 [to George E. Davenport] (1878) (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 5, 1865 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Plant lists, California, (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 17, 1862 [to Charles L. Brace] (1862) (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 29, 1865 [to Isabella B. James] (0)
- Notulæ exiguæ-Three-Flowered Bloodroot (1880) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 30, 1873 (1873) (0)
- George Engelmann letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Nov. 3, 1839 [to Moses W. Gray] [transcript] (0)
- Gray, Asa Oct. 14, 1870 [to Daniel Oliver] (1870) (0)
- Gray, Asa Aug. 24, 1880 [to unknown] (1880) (0)
- Cyrus Guernsey Pringle letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Note on Obolaria virginica, L. (1856) (0)
- John Merle Coulter letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Feb. 15, 1850 [to Charles L. Brace] (1850) (0)
- Spencer Fullerton Baird letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Herbarium to be Disposed Of (1880) (0)
- Automatic Movement of the Frond of Asplenium Trichomanes (1880) (0)
- August Wilhelm Eichler letters to Asa Gray (0)
- William Turner Thiselton-Dyer letters to Asa Gray, (0)
- Gray, Asa undated [to Alfred R. Wallace] (0)
- Gray, Asa Apr. 30, 1863 [to T. P. and I. B. James] (0)
- Gray, Asa Jan. 29, 1866 [to Charles E. Norton] (1866) (0)
- Gray, Asa July 20 [no year] [Gray to Miss Olney] (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 27, 1878 [to Louise Loring] (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 11, 1865 - Jan. 1, 1866 [to Daniel Oliver] (1865) (0)
- Gray, Asa June 5, 1880 [to T. P. and I. B. James] (1864) (0)
- George Bentham letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Plant lists, notes, and correspondence : Frémont expeditions, 1843-1853 (0)
- Some Western Plants (1878) (0)
- Southern Plants (1878) (0)
- Charles Wright correspondence with Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa May 11, 1863 [to Daniel Oliver] (1866) (0)
- Gray, Asa Feb. 9, 1863 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Gray, Asa July 19, 1883 [to Isabella B. James] (1883) (0)
- Gray, Asa [1861] [to Charles L. Brace] (0)
- Plant list : California and Oregon. (0)
- John Gill Lemmon letters to Asa Gray (0)
- Gray, Asa Oct. 16, 1865 [to Daniel Oliver] (1865) (0)
- Gray, Asa Sept. 12, 1865 [to Daniel Oliver] (0)
- Gray, Asa May 14, 1883 [to George E. Davenport] (0)
- Gray, Asa Dec. 22, 1853 [to John P. Brace] (1853) (0)
- Gray, Asa May 30, 1875 [to Thomas P. James] (0)
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What Are Asa Gray's Academic Contributions?
Asa Gray has made the following academic contributions: